Drunk (Tom x Reader)

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Ya want awesome action? Possible gay undertones? Beautiful artwork? Boys and girls to drool over? A man yelling his own name and then beating bad guys up? Some dude has a limo that's inside of a tank that shoots out limos at people! There's people...

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Ya want awesome action? Possible gay undertones? Beautiful artwork? Boys and girls to drool over? A man yelling his own name and then beating bad guys up? Some dude has a limo that's inside of a tank that shoots out limos at people! There's people inside of those limos too!

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So today was the day where Tom was drunk. Even though Tom basically drank alot, today he was like all drunk. More drunk than he needed to be. And that wasn't something you looked forward to dealing with. Tom didn't do anything bad when he was drunk; he was a good drunk. He just got real loud and blabbed a bunch of secrets involving himself and the others. It was always good blackmail material later.

It was your turn to look after him today. Edd, Matt, and Tord were out for the day and left you with the drunken boy. It was something you didn't like. Well, at least Ringo was with you. You were watching some TV when you heard Tom come into the living room, stumbling around. "Hey Tom." You said, petting Ringo.

Tom didn't reply to you only to grunt and walk towards the kitchen for something. Probably some more booze. He didn't need anymore though.

You pet Ringo adoringly, "Hey, Ringo. Think Tom is gonna be passed out on the kitchen floor?" You asked the gray cat.

Ringo meowed, placing his paw on your nose.

You giggled, booping Ringo's nose too. You heard Tom open the fridge then shut it.

"Y/N, how do you tell a girl you love her?" Tom's voice came through the kitchen.

You raised an eyebrow in confusion at the question. "Uh, you go up to her and tell her. It's that simple. Or you do it with gifts she might like or something. Why? You got a crush on some girl?" You didn't feel sad because you knew Tom would never like you back. Might as well help him find the love of his life.

Tom didn't respond.

You were gonna pull out your phone to read some fanfictions when Ringo mewled. You giggled before yelping when a pair of arms encircled around your neck, hugging your shoulders as a face brushed up against yours. "T-Tom?" You asked, craning your neck to the side to look at the flushed black eyed boy. "What're you doing?" You asked him.

Tom only smiled, nuzzling his face in closer to yours. "Hey Y/N~" He purred.

You felt yourself blush a little before you tried to pull away from him. "What is it Tom?"

Tom kept his grasp firm on you. He grabbed your face and pulled you in for a drunken kiss. He slipped his tongue in when you were too shocked to do anything. He pulled back, saliva connecting from your mouth to his and he smirked. "I love you." And then he passed out over the side of the couch and fell onto your lap, snoring.

Your face was red as a tomato as you sat there, screaming on the inside. You hid your face, "I love you too Tom."

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