Here For You (Edd x Reader)

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Ya want awesome action? Possible gay undertones? Beautiful artwork? Boys and girls to drool over? A man yelling his own name and then beating bad guys up? Watch Motorcity! Some dude has a limo that's inside of a tank that shoots out limos at peopl...

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Ya want awesome action? Possible gay undertones? Beautiful artwork? Boys and girls to drool over? A man yelling his own name and then beating bad guys up? Watch Motorcity! Some dude has a limo that's inside of a tank that shoots out limos at people! There are people inside of those limos too!

Watch Motorcity!!


Edd was always there for you when you needed him. When you first joined the elementary school, and you were crying because you were alone. He was there asking if you wanted to draw with him.

He was there for you when you got in trouble with another kid. He fought them off by himself while laughing as he was bruised. You were not amused in the slightest as you fussed over him, not noticing his pink cheeks.

He was there for you when you got an award for math in middle school. He hugged you and laughed, teasing about how he didn't know you were smart. You smacked him in the arm and then teased him back after thanking him for the one on one math study help.

He was there for you when you got your driver's license, and you both went out to have fun in the night. You both got drunk and ended up sleeping in the car cause you didn't want to get a ticket. Tom found you in the morning asleep on each other.

He was there for you when you won your first club's activities. You had taken swimming, and he was there to cheer you on. Although he wouldn't look at you in the eye while you were in your bathing suit for some reason unknown.

He was there for you when the power went out at your house, and you were too scared to move. He rushed in and basically scooped you up in a hug, telling you it would be alright.

He was there for you when you broke your arm in an accident. He was the first one to sign your cast. He basically doodled all over your arm. And when he broke his leg, you were the first to sign it and doodled everywhere on it.

He was there when your boyfriend/girlfriend dumped you on the night of the prom. He was the one to hold you and hug you when you were too weak and distraught to move. He carried you to his house and set you on his bed, telling you it would be ok.

He was there for you when you graduated from college since he did as well. He hugged you and laughed at how goofy you both looked. When someone was asking for a graduation picture, you all posed before Edd leaned in and kissed you on the cheek.

He was there for you finally had the courage to ask him out on a date, and which he replied with a "yes." He knew how to make you laugh when you were sad. He knew how to keep your mind off stressful things. He was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.

You were there when he died.

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