It Hurts Save Me Please (Edd x Reader x Matt)

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You had decided to go to the store to buy somethings for the boys. You didn't know why the boys asked you specifically to buy things when they could of gotten off their lazy asses to buy it for themselves. You went anyway because you couldn't turn down both your lovers. You were in a relationship with both Edd and Matt. They were the best lovers anyone could ever ask for. Edd was sweet and generous whereas Matt was so affectionate and thoughtful. You loved them both to bits.

You hummed a little song as you made your way into the store, picking up things here and there as you put them in your buggy. You crossed everything off the list as you saw one random as hell item on the list the boys gave you. "Nails? Why would we need nails? What the fuck are they building?" You asked yourself and shrugged, going down to the hardware isle to find said item you needed.

You looked everywhere for the nails. You couldn't find them, and so you even went through the grocery section to see if someone had miraculously misplaced the nails because they were too lazy to put them back in the correct spot. There still wasn't any sign of the nails, and you were annoyed. You checked your watch to see that it was exactly 7pm; you usually were at home making dinner for all four boys including yourself (and Ringo too). They might be worried because without you; they would have burned down the entire goddamn house. You were saint for them.

You were about to give up and go to the hardware store in the next town when a burly man came up to you smiling kindly. "Hello there, sir/mam. Do you need something? Can't help but notice you searching around in every isle looking for something in particular. Can I help?" He asked, thick country accent slipping through. He was bald with a handle bar mustache and blue eyes. Little short, and radiated off a friendly grandpa aura that suckered you in.

"Yes sorry, I'm looking for some nails. Do you happen to have any?" You asked.

He smiled, nodding. "Yes, we got some just in. They are in the back, would you like to come along? Might take a while unloading them." He asked.

"Sure, the boys can wait a little longer." You shrugged your shoulders and walked with the man, dragging your buggy behind you as you both passed a few shoppers to the back store room. You were told to keep the buggy outside as you walked with the man to the back room, alot of warning bells rang into your head because this normally never happened. You shrugged it off because this man couldn't possibly be bad, he was like an old grandpa.

It was dark and a little musty in the storeroom, oh yeah creepy as well. Feels like you were gonna get jumped. You decided to come back the next day and get the nails then, "Sir, I'm going to go back home. The boys must be famished, and they can't cook without me so I'm gonna head on home. I'll come back tomorrow though, I promise!" You chuckled sheepishly, edging your way back to the door. As you turned back, you saw the man in front of you with a wooden board and smack you roughly on the head, instantly knocking you out cold. You slumped to the floor.


You awoke to hear a melody emanating from your hoody pocket. You blinked groggily trying to see around you only to find that everything was pitch black. It was terrifying, and it was dead silent except for your phone making a noise. You tried to recall what happened, but it was all fuzzy and blank at the moment. Your head was aching. You pulled out your phone and saw the bright light, causing you to flinch and tone down the brightness. You saw that it said 'EDD CALLING', and you immediately clicked answer. "E-Edd?"

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