Coffee (Tom x Reader)

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Here was Tom Ridgewood. He was cleaning up the counters at Cafe Leblanc, not an ideal job, but hey. Who was he to judge? At least he had a job and some decent money to help pay for his apartment. Although he didn't like it one bit because of some asshole customers, he did love that one customer that always came in.

Their name was Y/N. They were very sweet and kind.

And Tom had a massive crush on them. Everyone who worked at Cafe Leblanc knew about it, even some of the customers could see that Tom clearly fawned over them. Everyone except Y/N of course. They were oblivious to Tom's affections.

It even got worse when people flirted with Y/N, right in front of Tom too. Tom barely could hold back his anger. Some of the staff had to hold Tom back before he attacked someone for winking at Y/N. One day, someone had the gall to smack Y/N's ass in front of Tom, and Tom lost it. He got into a fight with that person and ended up with a bloody lip and a black eye. Y/N wasn't too happy with it as they dressed and fussed over Tom.

Tom didn't mind one goddamn bit. He actually liked being worried over. Everyone could see that much.

Tom didn't try to show his love for Y/N, but it sometimes came out when he gave them their orders. He would always give them a special discount and some extra sweets on the sides. He didn't know what to do about this crush. It was slowly driving him up the wall.

"Yo, Tom." Mark said, leaning over the mop he was using. "Why're you so stressed?"

Tom growled. "You know damn well why.... I'm in love with Y/N." He put his head on the counter-top, groaning.

Mark chuckled, "Oh, is that right? And care to tell me how since you barely know them?"

Tom growled, "They're perfect! They are so sweet and kind to anyone, a little naive but it adds to their personality. I love it when they smile, and their laugh is to die for. When they talk about something they like, their eyes just twinkle. All in all, I am head over heels for them. I wish they noticed me." He grunted.

"Looks like someone has a bad case of the 'notice me senpai'" Mark chuckled.

Tom growled, "Why are you wanting to know all this?"

Mark smirked, pointing in front of Tom. "Because Y/N's been here for 10 minutes and heard everything you said."

Tom immediately shot up and looked in front of himself. Mark was right, Y/N had been standing there. Tom's face went red in anger and in embarrassment. He had just confessed to Y/N! Mark had tricked him! He was going to strangle Mark! As soon as Tom looked to glare at Mark, he noticed that Mark had already fled. "That sneaky bastard!" He cursed.

"Um, sir? I happened to overhear everything you said..." Y/N jumped in.

Tom looked over at Y/N, his face red. "Y-Yeah. Look, I'm sorry if I creep you out... You know because of my eyes and all, I'm really sorry. You don't have to do anything, we can just forget that I ever confessed to you if you want." Tom was sure Y/N would reject him because of his eyes, and because of his easy to anger temper. Most people have.

"You don't creep me out. In fact, I find you very interesting. I like your eyes alot too. I'm sorry if that sounded a little weird." Y/N was blushing and looked away for a minute before looking back and smiling. They were a fucking god/goddess sent straight from heaven!

Tom's heart fluttered as he chuckled nervously. "No, it's fine. You're the first person to tell me that, and the first person to not reject me." He whispered the last part to himself. He leaned across the counter, resting his head on his propped up hand. "So, do.. do you want to go out sometime?"

Y/N smiled. "Yeah sure. When do you get off?"


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