Too Late (Future Tom x Future Female Reader) Unfinished

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this was more of a venty thing i didnt finish, also i wrote this about myself too so somethings are a bit odd but its mainly the first part thats about me. i might finish this one actually, maybe


A girl was sitting at a white desk on her desktop computer no older than around 14 years old. She was smiling and looking at the passwords she wrote on the paper in front of her as she accessed her fave websites to do her fave things before she had to go to sleep.

"I wonder what I'm gonna be doing when I'm older! I wonder if I am a vet or an artist!! Oooh!!" The girl giggled to herself as she messaged one of her best friends on yahoo as they talked about random things.

Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and a tall figure was standing in the bedroom behind the girl.

The girl looked around to see a tall dark figure approaching her, and she began to scream at the intruder in her room but it was muffled by the hand of the stranger. The girl's eyes widened in fright as tears traveled down her cheeks.

"Shhhh, don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you." The voice sounded strangely familiar. Almost like her own, but.. older? The figure looked at the girl with a stern expression. "If I remove my hand, you promise not to scream?"

The girl nodded her head. She knew how this would play out. If she screamed, she would be killed. And also this mystery person interested her. So the girl would shut her trap until the right moment, until her dad got back from work.

Slowly the mystery person removed their hand from the girl's mouth, tensing as if waiting for her to scream. When the girl didn't, the person sighed and sat down on the stool beside the desk. "That was rather easy. I expected a fight."

The girl took a few minutes to calm down. "W-Who are you? What do you want? Where did you come from?"

The hooded figure looked up at the girl. "You're not gonna believe me if I told you." They said, chuckling while looking around the room. "This brings back old memories."

The girl tilted her head in confusion. "You've been here? Are you like a friend or something of my parents?"

The mystery figure nodded slightly, "something like that. I'm you from the future." They said, pulling down their hoody and revealing an older version of the girl right in front of them. Same (h/c) colored hair, same (s/c) skin color, and the eyes were the same color as well... yet they were hazed over and lost the light that usually youngsters had.

The young girl opened her mouth to speak a few times, but nothing came out. "Wow..." The girl then narrowed her eyes, "How can I believe you?"

The stranger chuckled, "You have a crush on a boy named Thomas Ryder." She smiled mischievously at the young girl, "You keep a diary about him underneath your bed." Once she finished revealing secrets, the young girl squeaked.

"Ok! Ok! I believe you! Stop, no more!" The youngster blushed, covering her face as her crush was revealed out loud by the future version of herself. Once she calmed down enough, she peaked through her fingers to look at her. "

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