Scribble Baby (Monster Tom x Reader)

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  Have some cute, or at least i tried, for cute shit. ajsdhakd scribble tom is fucking adorable, and I cannot take it! HE A GOOD BABY!!!! aLSO that drawing is mine because there was no fuckcing picture of Tom holding scribble anywhere. Also, Ive been so fucking lazy and haven't written anything when I said I was taking a break to write more, so.... Ill upload the ones I have in my drafts and tHEN take a break to write more.


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You and Tom were close friends. Very close friends. You liked Tom alot, maybe even crushed on him but never told him how you really felt about him because you were afraid to screw up your friendship. You accepted him for who he was, monster and all.

Yes, Tom is a monster. Like a literal monster. You know, with the horns and fangs and long tail. He was more of a large over protective pupper than a fierce uncontrolled monster. He acted like a dog sometimes with how he tilts his head to the side, how he whines when he wants something, and how his tail thumps on the ground when he gets excited.

You thought you knew him like the back of your hand. Until well, today that is... When Tom went out with his friends for the day, you were cleaning up stuff in his room since he had a fit the other day and broke alot of Smirnoff bottles. You didn't want him to cut himself nor did you want to accidently hurt yourself when you came into his room often. So you were now cleaning up the shards of glass.

"Goddammit Tom, the things I do for love." You whispered, looking for more glass pieces you might of missed. When you ducked down to look underneath his bed, you were confused for a minute. "What the fuck is that...?" You saw a obsidian colored oval object stuffed underneath his bed. Curiosity got the better of you as you reached for it, gently pulling it out.

It looked like an egg. Like an ostrich sized egg, that felt smooth and kinda warm to the touch. It felt like something was inside of it. "What the actual fuck..." You were amazed by the egg as you put your cheek to the side of it, feeling something lightly tap the inside. "Holy shit, there's something in there." You looked around to see if anyone was around, which there wasn't since they were out of the house for the day, and you moved the glass shard filled back into Tom's waste bin.

Carefully moving to your own room, you opened the door and set the egg down on your bed as you gently poked it. The egg jolted again. "Woah... I wonder if Tom knew he had an egg underneath his bed... unless.. he laid one? Can he lay an egg? I mean, he is a monster but.. wow..." You were thinking about somethings when you didn't notice the egg rolling around on the bed before stilling and glowing slightly. "Wait! Does that mean he fucked someone or they fucked him to lay the eggs? I'm... confused, how do ...??" You were confused as hell.

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