Rescued (Vampire Matilda x Reader)

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You were on your way home after picking up some supplies from the pet store to feed your baby bats you sheltered on a daily basis. You loved bats! They were so cute and fluffy, you called them sky puppies. You hummed a little as you walked down the sidewalk to your home which was in view.

A squeak interrupted your thoughts.

You looked down to see a small brown bat, chirping at you in distress. You wondered what it was doing outside in the day alone and on the ground. You kneeled down to the little critter, hesitating on whether or not pick the alarmed bat up because you might startle it into biting you. You didn't want to get shots. "Hey there little fella, why're you out in the daylight and on the ground?"

The little brown bat chirped, waddling towards you and latching onto your hand. It nuzzled you your thumb.

Ok, well it didn't bite you at least. You shrugged, carefully cradling the brown bat in your hands as you walked home.

Once you got home, you were met with the screeches and chirps from the other animals in your care. Namely the other bats you sheltered. You smiled, sighing as you put down your bags and began to go through them, setting out dishes for the baby bats and your newfound friend. Speaking of that new friend, you noticed the little brown bat hadn't let go of your hand.

"Hey there little guy, I gotta get stuff out to feed the others and yourself. I kinda need my hand to do that." You chuckled, about to pry them off when you were surprised when they voluntarily got off your palm and stared at you from atop the kitchen counter. You were slightly in awe that the bat actually understood you. "It's almost like you understood me, but that's impossible." You mumbled to yourself and set to work.

You put special food in the dishes and walked towards a small area near the kitchen. You opened a little window and rung a small bell. "Lunch time!" You called out the window, stepping back as you noticed the brown bat staring at you in confusion. "Just watch."

Just then a flurry of wings and small bodies came in through the small window. They landed on the wooden table, eagerly chowing down on the food in the assorted bowls. Some finished early while others still ate. The ones that finished early, flew over to you and nuzzled your face and neck. They landed on your shoulders and just chirped as you pet them gently.

"Hey there little guys. I got you some food! Hope you enjoy it! I also found another friend." You stated, pointing towards the little brown bat on the kitchen counter.

Your bats seemed intrigued by the newcomer. They swooped down near the little startled bat, sniffing and chirping as if asking them questions.

You smiled, "Don't hurt them."

Your bats kept chittering and talking to the newcomer as you went and fetched a bowl for the small one. "Guys, I'm sure you would like to get to know them more, but I'm sure they're hungry so lets let them be ok?" You chuckled, moving them aside and placed the food bowl in front of them. "Go ahead and eat up."

The brown bat looked at you with its red eyes and then dug into the food bowl ravenously as if it hadn't eaten anything for a long time.

It had been a few months since you adopted the little brown bat into your household. Nothing much had changed except for the fact that the bat had become strangely attached to you for some reason. You didn't mind it, you rather enjoyed this little one's company. They were always there to greet you when you got home from work, and from the food store by flying right smack dab into your face. You enjoyed this greatly.

You did notice that the brown bat had grown larger than you anticipated, and it kept looked at your a little oddly sometimes here and there. Sometimes its eyes shifted from red to a vibrant ocean blue color. You also decided to get the brown bat checked on to see what species it was before you could fully adopt it. The little critter was shy of other people so you had to take a picture of it, and send it to a vet online.

You were startled when you found out it was a vampire bat. Vampire bats were not common were you lived, and you wondered if someone had stolen this, and it had escaped. You began to look up some basic facts about the vampire bat species to help you know what to do for in the future if a problem should ever arise.

After a few more months with the new bat, it had grown to the size of a small house cat which frightened you greatly. This was not normal behavior for this kind of animal. Not even for a vampire bat. You were cautious around the bat, flinching every time it yawned and flew at you. You knew the bat wouldn't hurt you since it loved you greatly, you thought. But there were times you stared at its sharp fangs and claws, and that sent a shiver down your spine.

The other bats weren't afraid of it really. They actually went to the vampire bat for help and acted like the bat was their secondary mother, you were the first. They were up to something for sure, and you were terrified that they would rebel on you so you decided to lock yourself up in your room for the rest of the night which sounded insane, but you had lived with your bats for years, and for this vampire bat to be calling the shots, disturbed you greatly.

You laid on your bed, listening to music. You were nodding off, and you didn't hear the door opening as a figure stepped into the room behind you. You were startled greatly when a hand was placed on your shoulder as you screamed in terror. "WHO ARE YOU!?" You had yelped, looking at the newcomer in your room.

There in the moonlight was a pale tall slender woman with beautiful long orange hair that rested on her shoulders. She had small freckles on her face as her eyes were a beautiful familiar shade of blue you recognized from your vampire bat. She wore a long black cape that covered her whole body. Her ears were pointed, and her lips parted as two shiny pointed fangs stuck out. She smiled at you.

"Who... Who are you?" You asked quietly, clutching your pillow to your chest.

The girl smiled, giggling. "My name is Matilda. I wanted to thank you for allowing me to stay here for almost a year now. I am in your debt. Thank you Y/N." She bowed at you, blinking a few times before stepping forwards towards you.

You were in a trance, she was a beautiful girl. Her beauty entranced you. You felt helpless against her. It was like she had hypnotized you. You let your guard down, watching as she crawled ontop on the bed and over you. And you kept watching as she pulled you into a kiss, nibbling on your bottom lip and swiping her tongue across it before pulling back and licking her lips. You knew your face was red. You could feel it.

She giggled, "If it's not too much trouble Y/N. I would like to stay here with you and the other bats. I feel like I have a connection to you. Is that ok?" She tilted her to head the side, innocently.You shook your head no. "It's fine, Matilda. How do you know my name?"

She giggled again. "Because I'm that little brown bat you picked up a long time ago!" She exclaimed, transforming into a rather large vampire bat and chirping at you. "I love you very much!" She chittered, laying on your chest and snuggling into the crook of your neck.

"I... I love you too."

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