Sir Yes Sir (Green Leader Edd x Soldier Reader)

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That's a long title lol. Yo after this one, I will have two Tord x Matt angsty fics being added to this even though its x Reader, I've been lazy and depressed to write more chapters. I'm sorry. Oh wait I said this book would also contain ships in it too. Woopies


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You were a very diligent soldier of the Green Army. You worked for your leader, the Green Leader as hard as you thought you needed to work. You wanted him to win the war you were fighting for him. Although, your thoughts drifted off to the darker side because you were in love with your boss. That wasn't ever a good sign, and you usually hid away from the rest of the army life in your bunker. You were a mechanic who tinkered on random pieces of junk you managed to get from the battlefield and pieces that the gracious leader provided you with.

You were currently in your bunker, tinkering and creating random functional AI's who waited patiently for their new orders as your older and wiser robots were having a conversation with you.

"That doesn't mean you need to reprogram their tablets, Y/N. That's just mean, and they can trace it back to you." Stella, your nocturnal night watch bot scolded you as you fixed up some of her cords that were tangled. "You'll get into trouble with the Green Leader."

"Pshh, yeah right. Even if they did manage to trace it back to me, I can always say I was doing maintenance routine check ups on it, and it glitched when they were trying to download some illegal shit. Never has failed me before." You chuckled, sticking your tongue out as you fiddled with her internal motherboard.

There were sparks flying in the air dangerously as sounds of mechanical buzzing and whirring filled the room. You loved to tinker and create things for your army. It was your passion, even if they were used in wars.

"You need to be careful, Y/N. You already have some people hating you and marking you on their 'kill' list for when the Green Leader is out of town. Just because the Green Leader favors you doesn't mean you can flaunt it off." Kravis, your aerial bot, added in to the conversation. He was laying on top of a shelf near the door. He was massively damaged from an explosion, and he was beyond repair for battle. You kept him anyway because he was a precious friend.

"He doesn't favor me! He doesn't even know my name!" You shouted flustered, hitting your head on the door of Stella's compartment. You cursed, clutching your head in pain. "And I'm not flaunting anything!"

"Sure you aren't." Stella rolled her digital eyes. She narrowed her eyes at the door for a minute, smiling as a tricky expression graced her features. "You know, I think the Green Leader knows you like him."

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