Super Dick (PowerEdd x Reader) NSFW

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This is not my best work, and I apologize for this. I wrote this on the phone when I had time to do things. A rq from quotev. My titles are just... hMM



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Today was a rather bland day. There was nothing to do but laze around in the house since it storming outside. You would go outside and play in the rain, but it looked like it was going to storm. You didn't want to be soaked. It was actually very quiet in the house which alarmed you greatly because there was usually a noise somewhere in the house. Not even Ringo was making a noise. It disturbed you.

Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder and a bright flash of lightening. You let out a small squeak, and then there went the lights. Great, the powers out.You decided to go visit Edd because even though he rarely made noise, you liked his presence. Ok, yeah you liked Edd too, and the power outage was spooking you because you had no idea what lurked in the dark.

As you ascended the stairs to visit Edd, you wondered what you should talk about. It briefly crossed your mind that he might of been animating before everything went to darkness so his mood might not hold up. When you got to his door, you hesitated knocking it when suddenly it burst open and you were instantly thrown into the dark room.

You yelped, feeling yourself trapped in a dark room. But then you remembered it was Edds room. You had nothing to fear, right? "E-Edd? Are you in here?" You called out, receiving no answer.The room was strangely quiet and cold, which surprised you since Edds room was always warm.

You shivered, rubbing your arms to generate heat. It wasn't much, but you felt a small bit better. "Edd? Are you in here? It's not funny, knock it off." You hoped to God you didn't stumble into Tord's room by accident.

Suddenly a gust of wind brushed past you, knocking you into what you assumed to be Edds bed. You were stunned and slightly terrified because you had no idea what the fuck was going on. You tried calling out once more to Edd, "Edd?"

A green glowing light lit up in front of you. It was mesmerizing. You crawled over to it, teaching out to touch it. It beckoned you, and so you obeyed. As you touched it, you heard a deep chuckle and the feeling of someone's lips against your own which startled you.

You let out a little scream, trying to fight the person off of yourself as you kicked out. "Get off me!"

"Ow! FUCK!" A familiar voice said, "shit! Y/N! It's me!" The voice called out again, whimpering in pain as you kept on kicking. The figure grabbed your legs, stopping them from doing anymore damage.

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