Captured (Naga Tord x Reader)

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You had decided to take a stroll through the enchanted forest. It was a bad idea considering the amount of enchanted fauna and flora that thrived in it. You didn't take heed from your friends as you strolled through the old beaten path. You were just trying to find some flowers for your grandmother.

You knew the flower grew only near waterfalls, and it was located on a ledge in between the waterfalls as well. That was going to be a hard thing to get. You weren't very fast or great at jumping or climbing. Your running skills weren't any better either. You sighed, walking up to the lake where the waterfall was currently gushing out water. "Oh man..." You groaned, seeing the flowers sitting idly on the grassy ledge.

You didn't think about what lurked in the water at all since it was shallow enough. You saw that there was a ivy vine that ran up to where the flower was at. You were lucky! You smiled, putting down your stuff on the grassy bank as you took off your shoes and put them neatly near your bag. You waded through the water until you were completely submerged with only your head poking through the surface.

It didn't occur to you that something might be lurking in the water. You just needed to get that flower for your grandmother, and you would be set. You finally got to the ivy ladder, and you began to climb up the strong ivy to where the ledge was. It was a bit chilly, but you were fine with it.

As you finally reached the top, you smiled in relief. "This flower better be damn worth it, grandma." You muttered. You picked the flower and smiled brightly. Just then a noise startled you as you looked up. Your face was frozen in terror.

There was a large bird monster glaring at you from its perch above the ledge. It was a brown large griffin with razor sharp talons. It lashed its tail in anger as it cawed at you with a shrill screech, flaring its wings out. It lunged at you, swiping at your body.

You let out a scream, falling backwards as you realized you were falling off the ledge and into the water below. It was gonna hurt like hell since it was very far up, but you could clearly see something was waiting at the bottom of the lake. It looked large and menacing. You gulped, knowing you were gonna die all because of some damn flower. "Fuck!" You screamed as you fell back, flailing your arms about in fright.

The griffin lunged at you, swiping across your stomach as you blacked out.


You felt yourself being carried by something or someone. You weakly opened your eyes to see that it was dark with a few cave crystals glowing as a light source. "Wha...?" You let out a weak moan.

"Så det lille mennesket er våken." A thick accent accent rang in your ears.

You jumped, startled as you tried to look at where the voice came from. Your head was hurting as you let out a hiss when your hand made contact with your stomach. "Ow... What... why am I bleeding?" You looked down to find your stomach was bleeding badly as a rather large claw shape was marked through it.

"Because you were attacked by a mad griffin. You entered its territory, and it retaliated." The slippery accent replied.

You looked up to where the voice came from to only widen your eyes. There was a male naga right in front of you. Well, he wasn't just in front of you, you were actually sitting right on top of him. You were leaning on his chest, which actually felt nice, and why were you thinking about that? You were in a naga's lair for fucks sake!

"Cat got your tongue?" The naga chuckled, a deep rumbling noise emitting from his chest. He had an accent, you could tell. He had pinkish tint on his skin as his lower half was covered in bright red scales. He had caramel colored hair that spiked up in the front, looking like demon horns, and a small mullet in the back. His ears were pointed and two fangs stuck out of his mouth as his forked tongue flicked about. His eyes were a silver color that just drew you in, you probably were staring at him.

"I.." You stopped talking.

The naga leaned in, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head in the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply. "Du er nå min, lille menneske." He chuckled, coiling his lower half around your body.

You stiffened, feeling his tail wrap around yourself. You actually just realized you might die? You wondered what was worse. Being torn apart by a griffin or being smothered by a hot naga. Your face was extremely red as you squirmed a little in his grip. You felt his breath on your neck.

"Are you scared? I'm not going to eat you. I don't eat humans, especially pretty cute humans like yourself." The naga cooed, looking back at your face. He ventured closer, both of your noses touching as he flicked his tongue over your lips. "Lite menneske." He whispered, closing the gap between you both as he kissed you.

You were honestly a little startled by being kissed by a fucking hot naga, you didn't even know his name for fucks sake. You weren't complaining honestly, probably not complaining since his lower half was around your body, and you didn't want to get killed for not accepting his kiss. You kissed back as you felt his clawed hands travel up your body, daring not to cross that boundary that went lower.

After you both parted for air, he looked directly at your eyes to see them glazed over in a weird needy way. It looked like you wanted more, but you were also fading fast. He was confused for a minute before seeing you slump towards him, a liquid oozing from yourself onto him. He paled. "Oh skit!" He had forgotten about your wound. He frantically looked around his home for some medicine as he went to work on your stomach.

You weren't gone yet. You could hear him working on things, and stinging sensation on your stomach. You hissed, wrapping your arms around his torso. "Thank you Mr. Naga."

The naga chuckled after he had worked on your wound. "My name is Tord, lite menneske. I will enjoy your company." He leaned down and kissed your forehead before leaning back on whatever he was leaning on before and wrapping his arms around you as he listened to your breathing go slow and normalize.


Så det lille mennesket er våken = So the little human is awake

Du er nå min, lille menneske = You are mine little human

Lite menneske = Little human

Oh skit = Oh Shit

That picture up top is mine, do not steal uwu

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