To the Rescue (Monsters! Eddsworld x Angel! Reader)

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This oneshot is a fucking clusterfuck of ideas I just randomly threw in. I'm sorry. Didn't help I was watching SPN while writing this. This took 3 days to fucking finish. I've been very tired as of late. Also I drew that picture uptop


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Your name is Y/N L/N. You are a very high ranking angel from Heaven sent to spy and keep an eye on four monster boys. Four boys you actually fell in love with, but the sky should never know about it or they would strip you of your rank and wings. You were trained to know that monsters were always dangerous and well.. monsters, but these four boys? They were complete idiots.

The first boy who greeted you with open arms was Edd Gold. He had superpowers, but he wasn't a super hero at all. He mainly used them to play pranks on his roommates (including you) and to help him get stuff he needed. Although he did help the neighborhood sometimes. He could fly, shoot laser beams from his eyes, freeze things, glow in the dark... Oh yeah, super strength as well.

Matt Graves was a vampire. He liked himself alot and tried to suck your blood sometimes when he hadn't been fed, but mostly he was completely harmless. Give him a mirror he could see himself in, and he will leave you alone. Although he did have a little... uh, praise kink, you were fine with him.

Next was Tom Ridgewood. He was a rude asshole sometimes, but he was chill when he was drinking Smirnoff. He was a giant purple pupper monster. Probably wasn't a pupper, but he acted like one. He had a very bad temper with the last roommate. When he was flustered, his face would turn a bright purple color. His monster form was probably the one you liked the most.

And last but not least, the douche bag commie Norwegian.... Tord Karlsen. Tord was a demon. Not just any demon, he was a fucking incubus. And as you know, incubus have sex with anything they can get to accept them for a one night fuck. And Tord, hoooo boy, Tord was the definition of an incubus. He was very touchy and used his accent to seduce people. Tried it on you a couple of times, but since you obviously were trained, you didn't fall for it. Other than his race, he was perverted and sly. He was a major dickbag as well.

They might seem like very smart individuals since they are different monster races, but hell no. They were dumb as shit when it came to detecting the presence of an angel. Yours to be exact even though you put up wards so you weren't discovered and tortured by many different monster races. The only boy you had trouble with was Tord because he was a demon, and he was very perceptive about your habits.


"Tord, please fuck off." You hissed at the caramel horn haired boy leaning on your door frame. You had left your door open while you were reading some books about the human world to get to know it better since you were still on a mission. You heard him chuckle and felt a second weight added to your bed. "That didn't mean for you to come into my room." You muttered.

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