I'm Cold (Matt x Reader)

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You had woken up alone and cold in Matt's bedroom. You had spent the night over at his house because it was raining really bad last night, and he refused to let you out at night. He was such an adorable boyfriend sometimes. You giggled, shivering a little. You looked around his room for your hoody, but you couldn't find it. You were not going to walk in the house only in your underwear and tank top. You only found his. "Hmm... I wonder if Matt is gonna be mad at me for taking his hoody... I'll apologize later." You shrugged it off, pulling his large warm purple hoody over your body.

Since Matt was extremely tall, the hoody ended down at your knees. It was way too big for you, but it was warm and comfy nonetheless. The sleeves covered your hands so you looked like you had no hands. It smelled of lavender and perfume. Matt always liked to wear different types of scents for some reason, it never bothered you. You found it a bit cute.

You pulled it down a little to cover your backside because you felt a chill run down your spine. You felt like a little child wearing an over sized coat. You opened the door after fumbling with it since your hands were covered, and you looked from side to side to see that Edd's door was closed and so was Tom's. Tord's door was slightly ajar, but you didn't want to venture near it since you knew what happened in his room. Not pleasant memories at all.

You crept down the stairs, spotting Ringo on the couch with a certain ginger boy. You smiled a little and walked quietly over to your ginger boyfriend who was probably reading a book or looking at a mirror like he always does.

Ringo spotted you and mewed, almost giving your position away.

You froze, putting your finger up to your mouth as if Ringo could understand you. You crept up behind Matt, preparing to scare him but due to you being clumsy as fuck, you tripped and fell over the top of the couch and on top of Matt. You did scare him, but not in the way you wanted.

Matt screeched, "NOT THE FACE!" He yelled, covering his face up with his hands. He peeked through his fingers to see you on the ground in front of him, legs up in the air and upside down. He removed his hands from his face and began to laugh. "Y/N, what are you doing?" He chuckled.

You waited for the room to stop spinning as you blinked a few times. You looked up at Matt from upside down on the ground and glared at him. "I was trying to scare you, but I tripped." You confessed, falling over and getting up to rub your head.

Matt chuckled, "You did scare me even though it wasn't how you wanted." He looked down at what you were wearing for a moment. "What are you wearing?"

You looked down at yourself. "Your hoody because I couldn't find mine. It was cold when I woke up this morning, and so I grabbed yours. Sorry." You looked back up at him to see his face completely red. "Matt?" You asked, walking on your knees towards him as he sat on the couch.

Matt didn't respond as he was frozen. It looked like he was thinking.

You scooted in between his legs and placed your arms around his waist, looking up at him. "Matt? Honey? Are you ok?" You asked a little worried you might of put him into shock for taking his stuff. "I'm sorry for touching your stuff without your permission."

Matt breathed deeply before exhaling. He wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you up into his lap where he was face to face with you. He looked a little emotionless before he leaned in towards your ear, "I like to see you wearing my stuff. Do it more often." His voice was low, a little husky.

You blushed deeply. You had never once in your life heard Matt turn his voice down that low before. It was strangely hot. You squirmed in his grasp. "M-Matt?" You stuttered out a little.

Suddenly as if a switch was flipped, Matt was back to his normal self. "Y/N, why's your face all red? Do you have a fever?" He asked concerned as if what happened a moment ago never occurred.

You were so confused, and your face was light up like a light bulb. You buried your face into his T-shirt.

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