Gotta Catch Em All (Trainer Edd x Breeder Reader)

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Edd Gold was a humble Pokemon trainer. He didn't like to do alot of competitions like Tom or Tord, and he didn't like to do fashion contests like Matt did. He just liked training his pokemon and spending time with them. He wondered if he should of took up the life as a Pokemon breeder instead. He was lost in thought as he looked across the garden he was at to see you, the pokemon breeder he had fallen in love with.

You see, Edd Gold, had fallen in love with you (a pokemon breeder that hatched eggs for random trainers who left their pokemon with them). He was smitten with you, and all his pokemon could see it. Hell, even his friends could see that he liked you.

Thing is, Edd didn't know how to talk with you at all. Edd was a friendly guy, and it was easy to make conversations with him, but this was different.

He sighed loudly, looking over at the you. He smiled dreamily as he just imagined himself and you kissing and just hugging. He looked down at his hands to see the letter he wanted so badly to give to you. It was a letter filled with his declaration of love (as cheesy as it sounded). He had written it because he was a little shy to go and give it to you. He sighed once again.

Just then the paper was ripped out of hands by someone else who was sitting beside him on the bench.

"Hey!" Edd yelped, reaching for his letter from the offender who appeared to be Tord. "Tord give that back!" Edd whined.

Tord chuckled. "Nah." He simply stated and looked at the piece of parchment in his hands; and he started to smirk. "You still have feelings for them Edd? Just go up to them and tell them you like them! It's that simple!" He chuckled, letting Edd have his letter back.

"It's easy for you to say! You have a huge charisma ego going for you, and everyone likes you! I, on the other hand, am just a measly Pokemon trainer who doesn't really care about being the best. I just wanna spend time with my pokemon." Edd muttered, looking away.

Tord laughed. "Edd, come on. You're not a measly Pokemon trainer. You are strong! You have very strong Pokemon that will stand up for you! I'm certain they will like you!" Tord glanced at Edd's Liepard. "I have an idea." He smiled cheekily which Edd did not like at all.

Edd eyed him, looking to where he was staring at to see that he was staring at his Liepard, Ringo. "Why're you staring at Ringo? How's she gonna help?" Edd was confused.

Tord grinned, "Since you are too shy to give them the letter, have Ringo do it for you. I'm sure it'll be cute to receive a love letter from a Pokemon right?" He glanced at the letter in Edd's hand and then to the person across the garden that Edd fancied very much.

Edd went quiet for a moment, contemplating on whether or not to do what Tord suggested. He looked at Ringo then to the letter in his hands. "I'll try." He finally said after about a minute or so.

Tord chuckled, "Godt jobbet!" He snatched the letter from Edd's hands and gave it to Ringo who looked confused. "Ringo, go give this letter to that person your trainer has been pining over for a long time!" Tord pat the cat pokemon on the head as he watched her trot off to the breeder across the garden.

Edd suddenly had a change of thought. "Maybe not, I don't want to do this anymore Tord. RI-" Before Edd could yell for her to come back, Tord clamped his hand around his mouth to silence him as they both watched the scene unfold before them.


You were taking care of a baby Cubone that dubbed you as its mother for some reason since its real parent died in an accident a while ago. You hummed a little tune as you carried around the baby ground type Pokemon in your arms. You stared out at the ranch behind you, smiling dreamily.

A nudged woke you from your daydreams. You looked back around and down below to see a very well groomed and taken care of Liepard staring at you patiently. You kneeled down to the Liepard, tilting your head to the side. "Hello there, where's your trainer?" You asked it. Surely this wasn't a wild Liepard since it didn't look feral, and a feral one wouldn't come up randomly to humans.

The Liepard made a purring noise and set down a letter in front of you, blinking slowly as it nudged the letter towards you as if telling you to read it.

You carefully set down the Cubone, who whined a little before going to the Liepard to play with, and looked at the letter carefully. You flipped it over to see if it had an address on it, only to find out it only said 'from Edd.' written on the back of it. You carefully opened the letter and began to read the contents.

'Dear Y/N.

I just wanted to tell you that you are the greatest thing I've ever laid eyes on. And that's a compliment because I usually only love my Pokemon, my friends, and cola. So, saying this means I really am fond of you. That sounded a little weird, I'm sorry. I really love how you take care of wounded and injured Pokemon, especially seeing you carry around that baby Cubone in your arms is really cute. I, um, just wanted to tell you I am in love with you. If you are reading this, then I had the courage to give it to you. IF not, then I have no idea how you got it. Maybe we can go on a date?

Love Edd'

You smiled a little, giggling as you folded the paper back into the envelope. You stood up, looking across the garden to see a boy with another boy, wrestling each other on the ground. You cupped your hands around your mouth, yelling at them.

The boys stopped fighting, a boy in a green hoodie looked up first and stared at you. The other one smirked and ran off, saying something to the other boy. The green hoodied boy blinked a bit before walking over to where you were.

You smiled brightly at him, petting the affectionate Liepard (which you assumed to be his) as you cradled the baby Cubone in your arms. You sat down on the bench outside of the ranch, waiting for the boy to come. When he arrived, you smiled and pat the seat beside you. "Take a seat."

The boy smiled sheepishly, sitting down as he twiddled his thumbs a bit. "So..."

"I would love to go on a date with you."

Edd eye's widened as he looked at you startled. He tried to see if you were lying to him just to pity him, but all he saw was the truth. He smiled happily, suddenly hugging you.

You were startled, letting out a small yelp as you heard Edd yelp as the baby Cubone smacked him with the club in its hand. You giggled, calming down the infant as it drifted off back to sleep. "Do you want to go? Or did the Cubone scare you?" You tilted your head to the side.

Edd smiled, "Yeah, I'd love to go."


Godt jobbet!  = Good Job 

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