Saved By the Bell (Tord x Abused Reader)

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Here you were, cowering in the library in the restricted section (you don't know why the library has a restricted section.). You might be wondering why you were exactly cowering. You have an abusive boyfriend. They love to take out their worries on you. They used to be so nice, but then something happened and they changed, injuring you so badly one day you couldn't come to college because of it.

Here you were now crying and hoping they wouldn't find you. You used to stand up to them, but one day, they cracked and deeply hurt you. You still were recovering from it. The pain you felt, it hurt so bad. Mentally, emotionally, and physically. All bundled up like a Christmas presents only when unwrapped, it hurt like hell.

Back to the present now, you sighed deeply. It was near lunch so alot of people would be in here in case he decided to make a scene. You looked at your wrapped up hands which were starting to ache from being clenched too tightly. A few specks of blood dripped from them. You wished you had the courage to break up with him. He terrified you though; he was like 7 feet fall and towered over you. You couldn't stand up to that.

You pulled out a book from the restricted section to see that it was a book about very hardcore summoning rituals. "What the actual fuck." You flipped through it to see that it was the real deal and had all kinds of summonings for small monsters to Cthulhu like monsters. "Interesting..." You mumbled unaware of the person behind you as you were huddled up near the very back.

"En bok om demoner?" An European accent sang in your ears as you nearly threw the book into the wall. "Ach, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just reading the book you were reading." You looked up to see the college's fuckboy, Tord Karlsen. Yes, you meant what you said. He was the literal definition of a fuck boy. He fucked all the girls and boys he could. He was actually rather cute, but you knew it wouldn't happen between you since of your overbearing abusive boyfriend and the fact that Tord only liked hot people. You were not hot at all, not even cute by far. Not with all these scars and bruises.

Tord had caramel hair that spiked up in the front to look like two horns while he had a small mullet in the back. He always wore a red hoody and some black skinny jeans. He had a little bandage on his cheek, and who could forget his unique silver eyes. They were a mystery alright. "Hey, what're you doing in the restricted section reading a book about summoning demons?" He sat down beside you, waiting for an answer.

You were quiet for a moment. "Just because." You replied, not going to tell him about you hiding from your boyfriend. He didn't need to know. It wasn't his business.

Tord raised an eyebrow at you as he looked you up and down while you went back to reading the summoning book. "I see now."

You looked up for a minute, "You see what?"

"You're hiding from someone."

You stiffened. You tried to move the page normally, but found you were struggling to hold your tears back. You didn't want to be found. You didn't know if Tord would call your boyfriend over here. "N-No."

"Caught ya." He chuckled, only to stop when he noticed you weren't laughing. In fact, you were terrified and shaking. "Oh, shit. So, it's not a friendly game of hide and seek?" He scooted closer to look at you closely, eyeing the bandages and tape around your neck and hands. "Holy shit, you're bleeding." He said, gently touching your hand.

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