Captured Your Heart (Prince Matt x Male Bandit Reader)

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Today was not a good day for Prince Matthew Hardwick. He was flirting with some ladies at the bar when he was suddenly knocked out, and when he awoke, he was in a dingy cell in a some old run down hideout. He couldn't see because there was a blindfold on his head, and his hands were tied up with a rough rope. He squirmed a little.

Suddenly, the door flew open and about two people stepped in. One was a very tall burly man with a handlebar mustache and a top hat on. He looked out of place actually. The other was a small young adult male with a bandit scarf over his face. They had on a pair of scuffed up jeans and a red and white striped t-shirt.

"Did you get him?" The bigger man asked the smaller person.

"Yeah, he's right in that cage. Where's my money? I need it now." The smaller boy asked, a little bit anxious.

The bigger man walked towards the cage, seeing that the prince was indeed inside of the cage. He noticed the blindfold and the rope, digging into his skin. He wasn't too pleased with that. "Why are his hands tied up?"

The smaller male tilted his head in confusion. "Are you stupid? If I didn't tie them up, he would have escaped!" He shouted.

The taller man got up swiftly and smacked the smaller boy on the face, causing a loud noise to reverberate around the room. "Do not speak to me that way, you insolent brat! I am on a higher pay grade than you! I am asking because if he is damaged, then no one will pay for him. He needs to be treated with the respect he deserves since he is a prince!" The man spat, walking out of the room. "See to it that the prince gets what he needs or else, it will be something much harsher than that." He chuckled, slamming the door behind himself.

Matt couldn't hear anything anymore as he listened. There was only faint breathing as he heard someone walking to his cell. He squirmed a little, afraid of what might come.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Stop moving." A soft voice spoke.

Matt stopped moving instantly, curious of this new voice and who it belonged to. "Who are you?" He asked a little scared, but he moved that aside and tried to sound brave.

"My name is Y/N. I'm the one who brought you here. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to remove those ropes around your hands ok?" The voice spoke.

Matt swore the name Y/N sounded familiar, but he couldn't think at the moment as someone leaned over him and fiddled with the ropes on his hands. "You brought me here? Why?"

Y/N sighed. "I needed the money, and you are a rich man. People would pay a lot of money to get you back." He said, untying Matt's hands from the ropes. He also told Matt to stay still as he fiddled with the blindfold on Matt's face.

As soon as the blindfold came off, Matt blinked a few times to regain his sight. Once it was clear, he looked at the boy who kidnapped him, he gasped. "Y/N?!" He shouted, stars in his eyes as he grasped his hands. He leaned forwards causing Y/N to back up against the cell wall in confusion.

"Yeah?" He asked a bit confused and slightly startled at how the prince was acting so causal around him. "What's up?"

Matt's eyes widened. "You don't remember me? It's me! Matthew Hardwick! Your best friend!" He saw the look of confusion settle on his face. He felt his heart break. He didn't remember him?

Y/N was utterly confused. "I know you're a prince, but I don't remember having a best friend named Matt. Sorry dude, maybe I accidently hit you too hard on the head." He pondered.

Matt was saddened before his eyes landed on the bruising mark on Y/N's face. "Where'd that mark come from?" He asked, staring intently at it.

Y/N briefly touched his own face before flinching, "I got it for yelling at the boss. He's an asshole." He mumbled.

Matt leaned in closer, "Y/N, why are you a bandit?" The last thing Matt remembered of Y/N was that he vanished over four years ago, and he was never found. Matt's parents spent two years searching for him, but eventually gave up when he couldn't be found. Now that Y/N was right there in front of him, he could ask.

"Because I need the money to pay for something? Why am I talking to you like this is a normal conversation? You should be scared of me! I'm a bandit!" He pouted.

Matt found it adorably cute. "I'm not scared of my best friend. I want to know why you don't remember me? What happened four years ago?" Matt pressed onwards.

Y/N bit their lip. "All I remember is screaming and gunshots. And when I awoke, I was here in the desert. Look, I'm sorry I don't remember you, but I have to get this money. I need it for my needs." Y/N said, getting up only to have Matt press him back down. "Get off me!"

Matt narrowed his blue eyes at him. "Never!" He picked him up with a newfound strength and looked at a broken window. He walked over there and kicked open the window, jumping outside with Y/N in his arms. He looked around to find that no one was around as he ran towards the town.

Y/N was furious. "PUT ME DOWN!" He screeched, trying to hit Matt in the face.

Matt only chuckled, leaning in close to Y/N's face. "I think not. You know, for the longest time... I've always fancied you. Even though you don't remember me, I'll make sure you never forget our new life together." He kissed their forehead.

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