I'm Sorry (Future Edd x Reader)

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Ok so these types of stories, I'm not comfortable with because I'm struggling with these issues, but I had this idea for a while now and I wanted to get it out. LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING, I WOULD GLADLY FUCK FUTURE EDD. HE'S FUCKING HOT, AND I CANNOT STAND BY. I MEAN LOOK!?? LOOOOOOOK! ^ Ya'll know I'm super in love with Tom, wait you don't, everyone on the amino, my tumblr, and my DA, know I've fallen hard for the drunken monster boy. (this includes some self ship art i did of me and tom. ( ͡°ω ͡°) ) But I would fuck Edd if he asked. Yes please. I love him. Also, I might add random songs that may or may not fit the story because it was currently what I was listening to atm of writing this.

 Also, I might add random songs that may or may not fit the story because it was currently what I was listening to atm of writing this

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Well, here you were. Standing at the edge of this rather high and dangerous building. You never thought you would actually be one of those types to do this. You liked your life, liked. You see, if you didn't know it already or haven't of guessed it, you were going to commit suicide by jumping off this building. It wasn't because you were depressed, ok that was a lie. You were very depressed.

One year ago you used to live in a small house with four other boys. No, you weren't shacking up with any of them, one was your old childhood friend. You loved them as friends, ok a small white lie there. You love three of the boys as friends and one of them as a crush, you were crushing so hard on the cola addict boy. His name is Edd Gold, and you fell in love with him. You were too shy to tell him, but the feeling was mutual apparently because Edd asked you out a few months after living there.

Of course you said yes. Who wouldn't with this amazing boy? He was a gift sent straight from God! He was wonderful! And the best thing was, he loved you even if you were suffering from depression and had moments of self-harm. He often helped you out of those problems by telling you corny puns and showing you his latest animations. Ringo helped too sometimes by being the comfort animal on the scene.

Everything was going so swell, until Tord moved back in. You were actually thrilled to see him because he was your childhood buddy when you used to live in Norway for a few months because your dad had a business trip there. Edd was super happy to see Tord actually, although Tom obviously was not and Matt didn't even remember him. Tord acted a lot differently than he used to. He was more... perverted and scheming. He actually felt off about you and Edd dating; even went as far as to tell you to break it off before you get your heartbroken.

You, of course, shrugged him off. You doubted Edd would ever willingly hurt your heart. He was too precious! After Tord moved back in, it seemed that your old friend was not who he once was. He was more dangerous than you remember. He pulled out a gun on you once because you snuck up behind him. He immediately stopped and apologized. You didn't feel safe around him anymore; Tom could see that as he kept asking if you were alright.

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