I Want To Ride You (Hunter Tord x Rider Reader)

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Tord was a simple Hunter. He killed alot of monsters for the guild he occupied, got a lot of girls for it, and basically got rich from all the missions he did. He had a bunch of fancy armor and weapons to use. He mainly used a Stahlurteil. A Stahlurteil was a long blade sword made from Gore Magala parts. Gore Magalas were very hard to kill so if Tord was on the case, then it would be killed. He sat down on a stool in the bar he was staying at for a while until a new mission popped up for him, he was surrounded by girls all around him. He felt like a king.

"Sir." Came the gruff voice of one of his men. It came from Pau, a slightly short and chubby brute with a pipe in his mouth. He was basically a tank so he had a Hammer for his weapon choice.

Tord sighed, looking over his shoulder. "Yes? What is it?"

"There's been a sighting of a Nargacuga outside of the town. It hasn't attacked anyone yet, but it's just loitering outside of the town's gate as if waiting for someone or something to pounce on." Pau stated.

Tord sighed, trying to move the girls that were fawning over him away so he could equip his stuff and kill the monster. Nargacugas weren't common in the area they lived so he wondered if there was good money for selling its hide. "Guess, I'll take care of it." He smirked, hoisting up his Stahlurteil on his shoulders as he went to walk with Pau.

Just then a simple dressed hunter stood up fast from their table, set down money, and basically ran out of the bar with worry. "That dumbass! He doesn't need to loiter near the gate! He'll get killed!" They shouted as they ran towards the gate in horror.

Tord looked at Pau in confusion before asking the waiter who that person was. "Who was that hunter just now?"

"They aren't a hunter, they're a rider I think. Name's Y/N. They came in for a small bite to eat."

"What the fuck is a rider?" Tord asked.

"Have no idea sir."

Tord sighed. "Let's go."

As Tord walked with Pau to the town's main gate, he heard people shouting and yelling in fright and horror. He briefly saw Edd Gold, a humble merchant he knew, running from the gate in fear. Tord grabbed Edd by the back of his garb, and looked at him. "Edd, what the hell is going on?"

Edd was shaking and out of breath from running like a mad man away. "T-There's a Nargacuga outside the gate!"

Tord glanced at Pau. "So? I'm here to kill it. There's no need to worry."

Edd shook his head. "No, that's not it. There's a person outside with the Nargacuga! They might be eaten!" He was pointing at the gate where the growling and shrieking noises of an angry Nargacuga could be heard.

"Did they have really weird armor on?"

"Yes? Why?" Edd asked confused.

"It must be them." Pau added.

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