Medicine (Matt x Mutated Reader)

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Sooooo, I fell in love with Em's Nuclear Winter AU. Which she hasn't updated in a while, and I'm sad becaUSE I NEED TO FUCKING KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WITH MY BABIES!?!?!!? IS MATT A FUCKING MONSTER NOW?! I'M CONFUSED!!

 Which she hasn't updated in a while, and I'm sad becaUSE I NEED TO FUCKING KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WITH MY BABIES!?!?!!? IS MATT A FUCKING MONSTER NOW?! I'M CONFUSED!!

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EM WHY!!! But yo, here's another short one. Sorry. I'm trying to knock these out so I can get through my stupid fucking long prompt list I made. I don't know much about the AU, so I'm probably fucking the story plot up. My bad!


It was a dark wintry night for Matt Hardwick as he braved the outdoors in search of medicine for one of his friends. Tom had gotten really sick, and Edd was staying by his side to make sure he didn't get worse. That left Matt to go outside and search. He didn't really want to considering the mutated creatures outside, but he had no choice in the matter. His friend was sick. And sickness in this radioactive winter hellscape was dangerous, leading to either becoming mutated or death. And he didn't want that.

Matt hugged himself closer as he began to shiver. It was really cold for some reason tonight. Like way too cold. "It's freeezing! I don't remember it ever being this damn cold!" Matt's teeth chattered as he walked into the snowy landscape in search of someone to exchange materials for medicine with. He had a few materials he could trade.

As Matt began trudging through the snow, he felt like someone was watching him. Or maybe even a something. He hoped it was a someone. He didn't have alot of bullets in his gun to shoot any creature. He turned around to see a pair of yellow eyes watching him from the darkness. He made a shriek of terror and tried to book it to the nearby rundown drug store nearby.

The sounds of footsteps behind him made him try to run even faster through the thick snow. As clumsy as Matt is, he tripped over a submerged object in the snow and started falling down the hill. He must of went past the drugstore because there wasn't a hill nearby the drugstore. As he started slipping, he realized the hill was actually a cliff and Matt was falling to his death.

Matt saw his life flash before his eyes. He was going to die because he went out to get Tom some medicine. Tom would probably die or mutate, then kill Edd, and wander around killing more people. Matt screamed as he tried to grab onto something to keep himself on the cliff edge. "Please no! I want to liveeee!" He cried out, finally grasping something in his hands. When he looked up, he almost let go.

The thing he had grabbed was someone's hand. That someone was a young person who looked like they were part bird. They had ghostly white wings on their backs and little feathered ears. Very sharp claws and fangs. Their eyes were a bright yellow color. They were holding onto Matt's hands so he wouldn't fall off the edge of the cliff and die. "You're heavier than you look, buddy." They said in a soft voice.

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