Chapter 47: Drugs for monsters

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After a pair of days, Beat and Erina recieved a new case. It was a case that had been carried by other corporations but they had been unable to handle it. It was a drug case, in which Erina had few experience and Beat totally hated and at first Beat wanted to not take the case but then the one that asked those corporations entered and talked to Beat.
She was a tall woman, with long red head, blue eyes, a beautiful face, sexy and was wearing a red dress that was really tight and seemed to have 35 years old more or less. Beat seemed bored and sighed when he saw that woman.
-Beat: In how I may be of service, lady?
-Jenny: My name is Jenny. I am a member of the government and you should pay more respect to someone of my...
-Beat: Blah, Blah, Blah... I'm important... Blah, Blah, Blah. Quit your insolent talk please! You are in my corporation HQ. To an only client or staff area. So or you are a client or you get the hell outta here!
Erina smiled at Beat but tried to hide that fact as best as she could. To no avail and that truly made Jenny truly angry.
-Jenny: How you dare!?
-Beat: I must call security or I shoot you out myself!? Or maybe you are a client? If that's so, talk quickly and explain all quickly. As more time I lose, less chances to be able to close cases today.
Jenny could not argue with Beat's answer and that left Beat looking as a cool guy and Jenny as a brat that studied a lot. Erina started to like Beat's vicious comments on people like Jenny and mostly it was because she was fed up with everything connected to Francis.
-Jenny: Hmph! I'll tell you my case! I have 400 monsters in beds, all of them drugged with a drug that left them unable to move!
-Beat: Talk with Alphonse and allow him to work on that for a day. You will have a cure for that drug. Believe me, he is good with drugs.
-Jenny: And!? I want to find the culprit!
-Beat: Ask the demons. Usually thanks to your blasted policy of not demons in good jobs they are forced to deal with that!
-Jenny: We have to keep a good...
-Beat: A good what? A good society!? Then get the ass of Francis and throw him from a bridge. That's the start!
-Jenny: I shouldn't have come here!
-Beat: You are talking to the boss of a girl who your boss tried to control. What the hell you expected from me!? Being a good dog!?
-Jenny: I see... I am sure that Francis did not have nothing to do with it...
-Beat: Let's talk of work. You want me to find the drug dealer? I can do that. But it will be costy and I need full cooperation!
-Jenny: I accept. But you might want to puke when you hear of this. The dealers use kids as the ones to deliver the drugs
-Beat: What!?
-Jenny: Yeah.
-Erina: That's awful. But why the government want all corporations to search for them? You are literally warning them that you are on their tails.
-Jenny: I know. But I am afraid that we cannot wait more. We fear that humans might be affected by those drugs. But it has not happened yet. Good luck. I'll come tomorrow to have that cure.
-Beat: Then talk to Alphonse before you leave.
-Jenny: I know.
Jenny left with a proud smirk but Beat could only show a poker face, but he was already angry thanks to Jenny.

Erina looked at Beat to know what he had planned to talk with the demons to search the drug dealer.
-Erina: Where we start?
-Beat: To the leisure district. There are demons usually in the dark corners. Thanks to the policy of Francis, Demons are truly discriminated and the angels who die are cut in little pieces and sent to the church. Not even allowing a good death for angels.
-Erina: Let us hope that we may find a cure and a chance to stop this drug but thanks.
-Beat: I really hate the government. So don't worry. I am used to this.
Beat went out of his office and went to get his car. Erina followed him

Things are getting dangerous for monsters!? Those drugs seem dangerous. Keep reading to know more! And vote if you like!

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