Beat went to check on Vincent and Alphonse. He really was mean at them but it was normal. Killing innocents was forbidden by all means and they killed an innocent but also he did wrong because he allowed his rage to get the best at him. He understood why Vincent had to do the tough call but also understood well what Erina felt. Because he was also feeling the same sadness she was feeling.
Beat could not find Vincent and went to his office. Erina had a free day after having to handle this case and had Sylvia with her to handle her troubles.
Vincent was in Beat's office waiting him.
-Beat: Vincent, I'm sorry for what I said yesterday...
-Vincent: No problem boss. I understand what you felt. I'd feel the same if you killed an innocent in front of my eyes.
-Beat: Erina was literally unable to talk just after what you did.
-Vincent: I understand now even better your rage. She is important for you boss. Seeing all that was way too much of a shock for you.
-Beat: Yeah.
-Vincent: Alphonse would say the same but he can't stop working with all the paperwork he has to fill.
-Beat: I see. Don't do that ever again. That's the best way for all of us.
-Vincent: Understood sir. I recieved this for you.
Vincent gave to Beat a card that said: Happy 20 years!. Beat was burning with a rage that was unhealthy at all. Another time the same phrase, what was really worrying. But he decided to check a bit on the 20 years of the war, for being exact he looked for what happened at the end of the war.All what Beat could find was the elections that Francis won and the activity of many groups that were against Francis way of dealing things. All was way to fishy for him but then he found something even more fishy, he found an article that was taken out that talked of Winggates talking with a church member, some monsters and the president. He managed to find that out because he had many articles that were taken out. A little hobby of his that allowed him to find a new lead.
But the church member name was covered like the monsters name so it was a bit like a cold end because the only chance to find out something about it was to investigate Francis but he couldn't even try.
That was a really hard choice for Beat but he had to take it. He had to be more careful, to avoid to worry more Erina. So he grabbed all the info and sent it to Lucy, that way the information would be saved from any type of idea of the government.After doing that Beat went to check on Erina, who was at Sylvia's office, and saw her sad but she tried to hide it as best as she could. Beat decided to do something for her that made her happy so he entered in the office.
Sylvia's office was a bit similar to Beat's office but instead of books of how to take out immortality, it had a lot of magazines for finding love.
Beat hugged from behind Erina and that shocked her to the point that she shot Beat in the head. But he regenerated quickly of that shot.
-Beat: Well, at least I made you stop crying from the inside. As my first companion said: If you are sad, then only you need someone to hug you or to shock you.
-Erina: How did you knew?
-Beat: I am good at noticing changes in the people. About yesterday, I talked with Vincent for what he did. All's fixed unless that death but its something that we will have to understand.
-Erina: She could be a killing girl, I understand that but we could have checked it first. But Vincent killed her quickly
-Beat: Vincent went crazy there. But hey, you can't be angry or sad always. You will make me worry more than I am already.
Erina blushed and tried to answer but it was impossible for her. Then Beat patted her head.
-Beat: Be happy Erina and don't allow this to torture you. Someone cares about you a lot.
-Erina: Beat, you shouldn't say these things! Or someone will take it in the wrong way!
Sylvia was looking at them really happy. Beat noticed that and then guessed out that Sylvia's bet seemed to be winning.
-Beat: Well, that can happen only if you want Erina.
-Erina: I know! And you are good at distracting people from their own thoughts.
-Beat: That way you can hurt yourself anymore overthinking. You are a great girl, don't allow this to leave you down. A friend cares about you.
Beat left and Sylvia just could do one thing and asked Erina about Beat and her.
-Sylvia: Beat and you, together!? Really!?
-Erina: No! I won't be with my boss... (Almost impossible to hear) Even if he's so nice with me...
-Sylvia: Go after him! I reccomend that a lot!
Sylvia and Erina kept talking but now Erina was happier.Hi people! I hope you like this chapter!
Monster Hunters: Beat Grave and Erina Hell's Adventures.
Gizem / GerilimThis story talks of a world where humans and monsters live together thanks to a disaster that transformed like the 60% of humanity into monsters, a 30% into humans with powers and the last 10% remaining remained as humans. Our protagonists are a man...