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Melissa's Pov:

As I was saying goodbye to all my team mates I saw someone out of the corner of my eye. It was... Cameron? And his possy? Why are they still here? I ignored them and walked of the field.

"Hey there baby" someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around. It was Taylor... Again...

I pulled away.

"Number 1 don't touch me, number 2 don't touch me, and number 3 DONT TOUCH ME" I started walking away but he managed to get a hold of me again.

"I just wanna know your name" he smirked. All the boys started crowding around me.

"You wanna know my name..." I just smirked back.

"Ya kind of" Taylor responded

"It's none of your business!" I turned around on my heel and started jogging home. When I got home I started cleaning out the fridge...

"THANK THE LORD ITS FRIDAY" I plopped on the couch.


"GET OFF OF ME FATSO!" I tipped her off of me and she fell onto the ground and hit her head on the table. I couldn't help but crack up.

"I hate you" Jc stood up. All of a sudden her face lit up. "COME WITH ME" she picked me up and threw me over her shoulder.

"Let go of me or I will throw up on you!" She completely ignored me. She threw me onto her bed and took out her camera. Jc put her camera on her tripod and turned on the lighting. "What are you doing?" I was so confused.

"WE ARE GONNA DO AN ASK THE KONOPSKI SISTERS" Jc screamed while jumping on her bed. Oh ya. Did I forget to mention my sister is sorta famous on YouTube? Well she is! She has 3.5 million subscribers... She also has 3 million on vine and 4 million on Instagram and Twitter. Both me and Matt have 2 million on vine, one million on YouTube, and 3 million on Instagram and Twitter.

Jc started off the video...

"HEY GUYS!! It's me JULIA here with my wittle sister MO!"

"Hey guys" I waved and smiled.

After we filmed, Jc edited the video them uploaded it. It was around 3 in the morning... I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier. I finally decided to go to sleep. I hopped into me bed and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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