The arangements

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Melissa's Pov:

Nash and I decided we should start planning our wedding. I mean we've been Engaged for 3 weeks and haven't even brought up this subject. Also Nash leaves for magcon on Friday and today is Thursday! I mean technically I'm going with him but we aren't doing anything right now so why not. We sat down and placed our multiple notebooks on the table.

"Ok... So.. When do you want our wedding to be?" Nash stared at me.

"Uh... I don't know..." Nash started playing with a pen.

"Nash!" I took the pen away. "Can we please focus here?" He sighed.

"Why don't you decide... You're the smart one-" he got cut off by Nina barging into our apartment.

"Sup love birds!" Nina pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

"We are trying to plan our wedding..." I dropped the pen on the table and leaned back.

"I'm great with this stuff! Can I help?" Nina begged.

"Yes... We need a lot of help!" Nash blurted out. I just smiled. Nina giggled and grabbed the paper and pen.

"Ok... Month..." Nina looked at us.

"SATURDAY!" Nash screamed

"Month... Not day... But hey! We're getting somewhere!" Nina scribbled that down.

"JULY!" I shouted.

"Hahaha... I get it! It's gonna be the day that we met!" Nina smiled and scribbled on the paper.

"Ya! The second Saturday of July!" I looked at Nash and he nodded.

"Alright! We're getting somewhere!" Nina scribbled a bunch of random things on the paper. "Ok... Groomsmen and bridesmaids!"

"I want Hayes, Cameron, Taylor, Carter, Will, and Matt... Your brother Matt..." I smiled at the list.

"Ok... Now bridesmaids..." Nina looked at me and smiled.

"Ok... Caroline, Mamie, and Jc!" Nina face dropped and I couldn't help but laugh. "And some loser named Nina..." She smiled and wrote on the paper.

"Ok.. Where do you guys want to have your wedding and how bout the honey moon?" Nash and I exchanged looks.

"The beach!" We said in unison.

"Honey moon?" Nina scribbled stuff down.

"Um... Hawaii!!!" Nash jumped up. I smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Alright! Everything's covered! Only thing that's left is getting the suits and dresses, getting the pastor, and invitations... Oh ya... And the actual planning of it!" Nina smiled and walked out.

"Well now that that's done!" Nash kissed me. I pulled away.

"Now we have to pack..." He gave me puppy dog eyes. "Go... We are leaving in less than 12 hours..."

"But it's only 6 o'clock at night!" Nash whined.

"Our plane leaves at 6:30 tomorrow morning... We are waking up at 5:30..." Nash's eyes widened and ran into the bedroom. I just laughed and shook my head... I love him!

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