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Melissa's Pov:

"This is your captain speaking... We are going to be getting ready for landing... Please buckle your seat belts and turn off all electronics. New York is about 67°F. There are blue sky's and the sun is shining brightly."

I decided I should probably wake up Nash. I kissed his forehead. "Babe wake up" he groaned. "Nash let's go... You gotta get up!" He ignored me so I kissed him. He woke up right away and kissed back. I pulled back.

"But..." He pouted.

"We have a month together... You can wait until the hotel!" I smirked. He smiled and sat up.

About 5 minutes later we were in New York! I'm so excited! I grabbed my bag and ran into the airport. Nash followed close behind.

"Slow down!" Nash ran after me.

"You should hurry up!" I giggled and saw Taylor and Carter. "TAYLOR!" I ran and jumped into his arms.

"Mo!" He put me down "I haven't seen you in a while! How are you and Nash... I've heard you two are getting married." He winked.

"You heard correctly!" Nash came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Let's go to the hotel already!" Carter started running to the door. We all ran after him.

When we finally pulled up to the hotel my mouth hit the floor. It was HUGE! I was so excited and happy! We ran inside, checked in, and ran to our rooms. Nash, Cameron, and I were sharing a room.

"Babe..." Nash laid down on a bed

"Ya?" I laid down next to him.

"Do you love me?" He looked me straight in the eye. I started cracking up.

"What kind of question is that?!" I he sat up and so did I.

"A serious one." He down at his feet.

"Nash... Of course I love you! I would be able to live a single day with out you... I would did if anything ever happened to you!" I kissed his cheek.

"I love you too... If anything happened to you I would be dead,.. I love you mo!" Nash kissed me. It was a long romantic kiss. I seriously love this kid!

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