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Melissa's Pov:

I CANT BELIEVE MATT HIT ME!!! HE KNOWS ITS ME AND HE STILL HITS ME... I decided it was my turn now... I got out of Taylor's grip and lunged at Matt... I tackled him and pinned him down.. I started punching him

"YOU KNOW ITS ME AND YOU STILL HIT ME!!!" Jc ran over and pulled me off. I pushed her off of me and started walking away. I turned around... "I hope you all have a happy life without me!" I started running... I kept running until I couldn't run anymore.

Caroline's Pov:

I grabbed Hayes arms and started following Mo... We ended up at the... Softball field? She was there with someone...

"I think we should give her some space." Hayes kissed my head... I nodded and we walked back...

Melissa's Pov:

I ran to the softball field to see someone already there... It was a lefty pitcher... She looked VERY familiar...



I ran up to her "what are you doing here?!?" I gave her a giant hug.

"I came to surprise you!!!" She hugged back... This is one of my best friends from jersey... When I lived there we were REALLY close... But then I moved... Ugh!


"UNICORN?" I ran up to him and hugged him. This was Marli's brother Shawn... I've called him unicorn since pre-k... He would always tape a pen to his head and call himself a unicorn.

"What happened?" Shawn touched the bruises on my face...

"Long story.." I just smiled...

"Wanna join in?" Marli tossed me a glove.

"OF COARSE!" I ran out to centerfield...

After about an hour of practicing we started wrapping up...

"ONE MORE MO!" Shawn hit the ball. I nodded.. The ball took a nasty hop and hit my nose... It hurt ALOT!!!! I started crying... I never cry! Marli and Shawn came running over to me.

"OMG ARE YOU OK?" Marli was freaking out... I nodded...

"Let's get you home!" Shawn helped me into his car...

We drove for a little and ended up at my house. I said thanks and goodbye... I told marli I'd text her later... I went to open the door and it was unlocked... OF COURSE!!! I walked in and went straight to a mirror... HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL!!! I looked like stinking avatar... My nose was swollen... My right eyes was black, blue, and swollen... I had a bunch of bruises all over my face... My nose hurt ALOT!!! I had to move it back into place... I place both my thumbs aside my nose and straighten it out... I started screaming in pain... As soon as I started screaming someone walked in... That someone was-

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