Will you?

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Melissa's Pov:

As I lay on my bed watching my fan spin in circles I realized something. Life isn't just meant for you living with no regrets... It's also meant for you to keep your best friends right by your side and show them how to be care free. I realized that my life may not be perfect but in my eyes it couldn't be better! My thoughts were interrupted by Nash walking into the bedroom.

"Hey" Nash came over and kissed my head.

"Hey... How's Hayes handling the whole father role?" He came and laid down next to me.

"Don't even go there... He's so obsessed with Kyle and Angel its so cute" Nash smiled.

"Well at least he's enjoying it." I got out of bed.

"Mo where are you going?" Nash got up too.

"Somewhere!" I walked out of the bedroom. Nash followed quickly behind. Suddenly he caught up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Nash! Let go!" I giggled.

"But we have to get ready!" He pulled me back to the bedroom.

"for what..." I was quiet curious.

"We are going out to dinner with Caroline, Hayes, and the kids!" Nash plopped me onto the bed and then walked to his closet. I walked over to mine and grabbed out a black dress and black sandals. I took off my original clothes and threw on the dress. I slipped on my sandals and applied a little bit of makeup. Nash on the other hand picked out a nice top and a pair of black jeans... Probably the only pair that weren't ripped or covered in mud! I grabbed my purse and my phone and walked over to Nash who was sitting on the bed playing on his phone.

"You ready?" He looked up and I nodded "then leggo!" We walked out of our apartment. We reached the elevator and waited for it to come up.


"Ya babe?"

"Where are we even going?"

"You'll see!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the elevator. We pressed the bottom floor button and waited. When the door finally opened we rushed out and ran over to Nash's car. We jumped in and headed off to this mystery place.

"Put this on!" Nash handed my a blind fold.

"What are you gonna do... Murder me?" I questioned.

"No... Now put it on!" He pouted.

"Fine...." I put on the blind fold.

About 5 minutes later we arrived at our destination.

"Nash can I take it off now?"

No response.

"Nash! Please!"

Still no response.

"Fine..." I threw off the blind fold to reveal a beautiful set up! It was a picnic! Caroline, Hayes and the twins were all ready sitting down. Nash was standing out there smiling back at me. I jumped out of the car and ran up to him. I jumped up into his arms.

"Did you do this all for me?" I pointed at the stringed lights and the beautiful spot in a little park.

"Yep!" Nash kisses my cheek.

"I love it!" I smiled.

"I have something I wanted to ask you." All eyes were on us. Everyone was smiling.

"Ya" I blushed. Nash got down on one knee.

"Will you-

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