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Jay's POV
After leaving Mama Tina's house, I drove to Drake's apartment building. I went up to his apartment and knocked on the door.

After a little while, he came and opened the door.

"What do you want?," he asked me.

"To talk. To make up. Can I come in?," I said to him.

He paused for a minute as if to think about it before speaking again.

"Come in," he said.

I walked in his apartment, and he closed the door behind me.

"Look man, I'm sorry about what happened. I shouldn't have gotten in your face and all that," I apologized.

"Jay, I should be apologizing to you for the way I acted. I just felt like you were picking her over me. She hasn't been here for eight years, and you just defended her like I had no reason to be mad at her," he told me.

"Drake, you do have a reason to be mad at her, but you're taking things too far. You want her to apologize, but you won't even talk to her. She knows what she did was wrong, and she feels really bad about it. You're really hurting her Drake. You made her cry Drake. I think you should talk to her," I told him.

"Maybe I will in my own time, but not now. I'm not over it. And you're talking about how I made her cry. What about how she made me cry. When I was younger, I'd cry because I felt like she abandoned me. We were so close before she left, and then she just left me high and dry. Before she left, she promised that she would call me every night to check on me, and she didn't, so how am I supposed to feel?," he said.

"Damn Drake. I didn't even know it was like that man," I said to him.

"Yeah, I know you didn't because you never asked. All you cared about was whether Beyoncé was coming home or not. I'm starting to think that you're only my friend because I've got a hot sister," he told me.

"You know that's not even true. I'm your friend. Your real friend. It just so happens that you have a hot sister. And you're right I should've asked how you were doing like a good friend. I just always wanted to think the best of Beyoncé, but I should've supported you because you're my best friend. I'm sorry," I apologized to him.

"I accept your apology, and I shouldn't have pushed you and started that fight. I'm sorry about that," he told me.

"It's fine man, and I should probably try to get over this little crush I have on her. She's with someone else, and he makes her happy I guess. The two of us would never work out," I said.

"I've been trying to tell you that. It's about time you started listening to me," he told me.

"Yeah, I guess it is," I said.

"That way we can find you a girl that's feel the same way about you as you do about her," he told me.

"Yeah," I said.

"That's the spirit Jay," he said to me.

Bey's POV
I walked into my hotel room and saw Michael on the bed in nothing but a towel.

When he saw me, he got up and walked over to me.

"Hey baby," he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey," I said dryly getting out of his grasp and walking past him.

"Bey, wait," he called after me as he grabbed my already bruised wrist.

"Can you please not touch me right now?," I said as more of a statement than a question.

"I'm sorry Bey. I really, truly am," he apologized to me.

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