Not Safe

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Jay's POV
Rita and I ended up making out on her couch instead of eating, but I ain't mad at it.

Then my phone started ringing. At first, I just ignored it.

"," Rita managed to get out in between kisses.

"Nah, it...probably...nothing," I managed to get out.

Soon my phone stopped ringing, and I was so damn happy that it did. And then, it started ringing again.

"Damnit," I said pulling away from Rita.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that it was Mama Tina.

"Give me a second," I told her as I answered my phone.

"Sure," she said.

(Phone Call)

"Hey Mama Tina. Is this important because I'm kinda in the middle of something," I said looking at Rita.

She pushed her hair behind her ear and blushed before looking away

"You need to get down here to the hospital! Bey's hurt!," she cried.

"What?! What happened to her?!," I asked worried about Bey.

"I'll tell you when you get down here. Just hurry up!," she told me.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute," I said before hanging up.

(End of Call)

"You have to go, don't you?," Rita asked.

"Yeah, it's Bey," I told her.

"Oh, is she okay?," she asked me.

"I don't know. I'll know when I get to the hospital. I just need to go. I'm really sorry Rita," I said to her.

"No, it's fine. I understand. She's your sister. She's family, and you don't leave family hanging," she said.

"Thanks for understanding," I told her grabbing my things.

"Yeah, of course. Thanks for the food. Even though, we didn't eat it," she chuckled lightly.

"Well, if you had told me that you were planning on making out with me, I wouldn't have brought any," I told her.

"I wasn't planning any of this. When I said eat, I meant eat. What happened tonight was all you," she said.

"Don't act like you didn't like it," I said.

"Go check on your sister," she laughed.

"Bye Rita," I smiled.

"Bye Jay, and let me know if everything's okay," she said.

"I will," I said walking out of her apartment and closing the door behind.

I went down to my car and drove to the hospital. When I walked in, I saw Mama Tina and Richard sitting in the waiting area...with Michael.

I went and sat down next to her.

"Hey Mama Tina," I said to her.

"Hey Jay," she said.

"Where is she?," I asked.

"She's back there getting stitches. We haven't seen her yet," she told me wiping her tears.

"What happened?," I asked.

"Someone broke into our hotel room and robbed us. Whoever did it attacked her," Michael told me.

"And they attacked her but did leave a scratch on you?," I asked him.

"I wasn't there. I went to the pharmacy to get something for my allergies," he told me.

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