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Bey's POV
Jay and I were at my apartment cuddled up watching a movie on the couch when Michael burst through the door.

He stood in the door and stared at us. Jay and I jumped up off the couch.

"Get behind me Bey," Jay said as he moved me back.

"Did you miss me baby girl?," Michael asked.

"Get the hell out of here man!," Jay told him.

"I thought you were in jail until your trial. How are you out?," I asked him.

"No cell could ever hold my love for you," he told me.

"Shut up man. You don't love her," Jay told him.

"Leave us alone Michael!," I yelled.

"You can't be with her! She's mine, and she will always be mine!," he screamed.

"Go! Before I beat your ass like I did last time!," Jay exclaimed.

"You don't think I brought some insurance so that you won't be a problem," Michael said pulling a gun from behind his back.

"Michael, put that down before you hurt someone," I told him.

"That's exactly my plan baby," he said taking the safety off.

I felt tears start to stream out of my eyes.

"Michael! Stop this! Leave us alone! We're happy! If you ever loved me, you would leave me alone!," I screamed at him.

"I do love you which is why I'm doing this! So we can be together baby! Don't you understand! I'm doing this for you!," he yelled.

"I already told your ass once! Get out of here!," Jay told him.

"Quiet!," he screamed pointing the gun at Jay.

"Michael, no," I cried.

"Get your ass out of the way, so I can take my girl!," he told Jay.

"I'm not moving. I'm not going anywhere. Beyoncé is my girlfriend. She's the woman I love. She's the only woman I've ever been in love with. I'm not letting you take her. So if you want her, you're gonna have to go through me," Jay told him.

"No baby. No," I cried.

"I don't have a problem with that," Michael said.

"Bey move!," Jay said pushing me out of the way.

Jay ran towards Michael to try to take the gun from him, but Michael shot him several times.

"Jay! No baby! No! Please don't go! Please do leave me!," I said kneeling next to Jay's body.

"I love much Bey. I'm sorry...that I never got the tell you," he told me.

I grabbed his hand and held it tight. I kissed his lips for the last time.

"No baby. Don't talk like that. You're gonna be okay. You're not gonna die. You're gonna be fine," I cried.

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