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Bey's POV
"Good afternoon, Ms. Knowles. I'm Dr. Ciara Harris," my therapist said as we shook hands.

 Ciara Harris," my therapist said as we shook hands

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"Hi, and please call me Beyoncé," I told her.

"Well, call me Ciara then," she smiled.

I sat down on the couch across from her.

"Now, I don't want you to feel awkward or anything. I know it can be hard to talk about your deepest, most personal feelings with a person you just met, but this is a safe place. And I want you to be comfortable, so you feel like you can open up to me," she said to me.

"Thank you. I don't know if you can tell, but I'm really nervous. This is new for me. I've never really talked about my problems. I usually just drink them away, but I guess that's why I'm here," I told her.

"Yes, you are, so why don't you tell me where it all started for you as far back as you remember. The root of all your problems," she said to me.

"Um, well, I guess when I was eight, and my dad left town forever without any sort of warning or goodbye. We had such a great relationship, and he just left me. I still kind of hold on to that even now," I told her.

"Can you tell me more about that? What was your relationship with your dad like?," she said.

"Well, he was great. A great dad, that is. He wasn't such a great husband. He cheated on my mom all the time, and he was a raging alcoholic. It's probably where I get it from, but I kinda just ignored all that at the time. The divorced when I was really young, and I was with my mom and stepdad on the weekdays and my dad on the weekends. My dad and I had a great time when we were together. We went out for ice cream and to the park and the toy store, all that fun stuff. I had so much fun with him, and I loved him to death. But after he started dating this new woman, things started to change," I said before I stopped and wiped the tears from my eyes.

I just couldn't believe that I was talking about this. I had never opened up to anyone about this before.

It was hard to get it out and talk about it.

She handed me some tissues before I continued.

"We started to spend less and less time together when he started dating her. I just brushed it off though. But I'll never forget the day he left. I remember it so clearly. It was Friday, October 29, 1999, and I had just come home from school. I was excited because it was almost Halloween, and I was going to go trick or treating with my dad. He was supposed to come pick me up from my mom's after school like he always did, but when I got home, my mom stared at me like I was dying or something, and when I asked her what was wrong, she handed me a note from my father," I told her before getting choked up at the end.

By this time, tears were just streaming out of my eyes as I thought about that day.

"Please, go on if you can Beyoncé. You're doing great," she said.

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