When I See You

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One Month Later

Bey's POV
"Come in," I said when I heard someone knock on the door.

I looked up at the door opening and saw Jay walking in.

When I saw him, I swear to you my heart skipped a beat.

I got so excited that I jumped out of my chair and almost ran over to him.

I mean, I just saw him yesterday, but I really can't get enough of my man.

Being with him this last month has made me so happy. It's been incredible. I can't remember a time in my life when I was happier.

He's been taking care of me this past month like he said he would which I really didn't mind.

For the last month, I've been resting. Doctor's orders. I've just been trying to get back to my normal life gradually.

Today's actually my first day back at work.

Jay has been coming over to my apartment early in the morning and not leaving until late at night, sometimes after I fall asleep.

I've really enjoyed him being with me and taking care of me.

It really helped our relationship grow stronger and brought us closer together.

I'm gonna miss all the attention and him being there all the time a little bit.

And I actually had a birthday over this last month, so I'm 27 now. I spent it with Jay. He bought me this diamond necklace with 'B+J' as the little charm on the end.

I've been wearing like everyday.

"Baby!," I said as I hugged him.

"Hey beautiful," he said as leaned down and kissed my lips.

He pulled back from the kiss after a few seconds.

"No, I'm not done. Come back," I said pulling him back into the kiss.

We kissed for a good while before I pulled back this time.

"Ooo, you've got food," I said when I saw a Popeye's bag in his hand.

I grabbed it out of his hand and walked over to my desk with it.

"I love how you forgot all about me the second you saw that food," he said to me as he walked over to me.

"I did not forget about you as soon as I saw this food. I'm just hungry. I haven't eaten since breakfast. How could I forget about my amazing boyfriend?," I said caressing his cheek.

"I know. I'm pretty amazing," he joked.

"I wouldn't go that far," I said.

"That's funny because you weren't saying that this morning when you didn't want me to leave," he told me.

"I don't recall," I said.

Did I forget to mention that he stayed over a couple of nights?

But we haven't had sex. Just sleeping. I promise.

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