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Two Days Later

Jay's POV
I was at my apartment sitting on the couch thinking about Bey.

I can't believe I lost her. This is all my fault. She's upset and hurt, and it's because of me.

I've been leaving her voicemails and texting, but she's not responding. I just want her to tell me that she's okay.

I just want to hear something from her.

I would go to her office, but I know she really doesn't want to see me. Seeing me would probably just make her even more upset, and she doesn't need that with everything that's on her plate right now.

Mya's out right now. I told her to go. I can't really look at her right now. She broke us up.

I shouldn't have let her. Bey was right. I should've stood up for her. I know I should've.

I don't know why I didn't. I just didn't know what to say that would keep the both of them happy.

As I was thinking, I heard my phone ringing. I hoped it would be Bey. I picked up my phone of the coffee table.

But unfortunately, it wasn't Bey. It was Drake.

I sighed before answering the phone.

Phone Call

"Hey Drake. Look I know Bey told you about what happened. Don't be made at me okay. I'm gonna fix this. I'll make it right. Don't worry," I said.

"I know you two broke up. We can talk about that later. I just wanted to know if you've heard from her at all," he said.

"No, she hasn't returned any of my messages or anything in the last two days. I just thought it was because she was ignoring me," I told him.

"She's has returned anyone's messages. She hasn't talked to Mama, Richard, or me," Drake told me.

"What?," I asked.

"I went by her apartment. She's not there. I don't know where she is," he told me.

"Um okay, I'll go by her job and see if anyone's seen her," I told him as I got up and grabbed my keys.

"Alright. Call me if you find out anything," he said.

"Yeah, of course. I'll talk to you later Drake," I told him.

"Later," Drake said before hanging up.

End of Phone Call

I walked to my front door and opened it. I saw Mya standing there. I guess she had just come back.

"Hey, I'm back. I was thinking maybe we could go to lunch together or something. Just spend some time together while I'm in town," she said as she stepped inside.

"I don't have time right now," I told her.

"What do you mean? What could have better to do?," she asked me.

"No one's seen Beyoncé in two days. I'm going to try and find her," I told her.

"She's probably just hiding like the cowardly bitch she is," Mya said.

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