Love and War

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(A/N: I love being able to give y'all these daily updates.)

Jay's POV
I heard a knock on the door. I got off the couch and went to get it.

When I opened it, I saw Bey standing there crying.

As soon as I saw her, I blocked the doorway to try and keep her from seeing Mya, who was in there.

"Hey Bey baby, what's wrong? I thought you weren't coming over until tonight," I asked her.

"I wasn't, but I'm really just having a bad day. The board meeting went terrible, so I just left. Can I just come in and we cuddle and you just make me feel better like you always do?," she said to me as she wiped her tears.

It truly broke my heart to see her so upset and crying, but I couldn't let her in because seeing Mya would only upset her more.

"That's actually not such a good idea," I suggested.

"What? Why?," she asked.

"It's just not a good idea that you come in. How about we just talk out here?," I told her.

"Talk out here? Jay, let me in," she said trying to push past me, but she couldn't.

"Bey, you can't come in," I said to her.

"Jay, let me in! What's going on? I just want to come in," she said as she got more upset.

"Let's just go to your place and talk instead," I suggested.

"No, Jay. You are going to let me in. Why won't you move and let me?," she said.

"Bey, you just can't come in. I'm sorry, but you can't. You just can't," I told her.

"Jay, I will tell you one more time to let me in your apartment before I rip you dick off! What do you have going on in there that is so important you can't let me in?! I'm your girlfriend! You need to tell me the truth!," she yelled.

"Girlfriend?! Oh hell no!," I heard Mya say.

"Damnit," I said.

"Was that a woman? Jay, is there a woman in your apartment?! That's why you don't want me in there?! I'm gonna kill you! Move!," Bey yelled before pushing me out of the way.

I don't know where she got the superhuman strength to push me out of the way, but she did.

When she stepped into my apartment, I knew all hell was about to break loose.

When Bey saw Mya, her face started turning red, and you could practically see the smoke coming out of her ears.

I knew I was done for.

"Of course! Of course, when I'm having the worst day of my life, your crazy ass bitch of a sister flies into town straight out of the gates of hell on her damn broomstick! Just my luck, right?!," Bey exclaimed as she rolled her eyes.

"Bey, just calm down," I told her.

"Get away from me! Don't tell me what to do! You take your ass over there and stay out of this!," she yelled at me as she pushed me away from her.

"Okay. Damn," I said stepping back from her.

"Well, hello to you too Beyoncé," Mya said.

"Don't talk to me Mya. Don't talk to me. I never wanted to see you again. Let alone talk to you. I thought I was done with you at graduation," Bey said to Mya.

"What's wrong Beyoncé? Are you still jealous of me? I think it's about time you get over it. Just accept that I'm better than you," Mya said to Bey.

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