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(A/N: I've been reading y'all's comments lately, and y'all are just hilarious. And it means so much to me that you guys really like this story. Thank you. I love all the love from you guys. You're the best.)

Jay's POV
Bey and I kissed for what seemed like forever. It was everything that I had waited for since I was like eleven years old.

I was definitely enjoying it, and she seemed to be enjoying it too. I mean, she's the one who stuck her tongue in my mouth.

It was different from our first kiss in the hospital. It was magical. There were all kinds of fireworks and shit.

I'm sure she felt it too.

"Whoa!," Drake said looking at us.

We pulled back from each other, and Bey shyly smiled at me before placing her head in the crook of my neck.

I looked up and saw Rita standing there with tears in her eyes.

Before I could say anything to her, there was a knock on the door. She walked into the kitchen.

"Rita," I said about to go after her.

"Please don't leave me," Bey said holding on to me.

"I'm right here Bey," I told her.

Mama Tina went and answered the door. It was the police. I guess they had called them when Drake and I were beating Michael's ass.

Mama Tina explained the entire situation to them. They wanted to ask Bey a few questions, but she was still drunk and in shock.

They took Michael away. He was still halfway unconscious in the floor when they took him.

I think everyone was in shock of what happened because no one was saying much.

"Bey, I need to go talk to Rita. I'll be right back. I promise," I said getting up.

"I got her man," Drake said sitting down where I was and comforting Bey.

I went into the kitchen where Rita was.

"Rita-," I started before she cut me off.

"No, please don't. Don't apologize. I should've known," she said.

"What are you talking about?," I asked her.

"The way you talk about her. I just tried to shrug it off, but deep down, I knew. I knew that you had feelings for her. You love her, don't you? And you have for a very long time. I was just a distraction for you," she said.

"Rita-," I started before she cut me off again.

"Just tell me if it's true," she said.

"Yeah, I've been in love with Bey for years now," I told her.

"Look, I'm not mad at you. You thought you couldn't have her, so you just continued with me. But I'm not her. I never will be. And I'll never be able to make you happy the way she will. I saw that kiss. Even if she won't admit it, she feels the same way. Just do me a favor and go after her. Don't be afraid and do to another girl what you did to me. Let me and you be a learning experience. Don't go after someone else, when you're in love already. I can't even be mad at you because I know you never meant to hurt me. I'm gonna step out of the way and let the two of you explore what you two have. Maybe in the future, not soon, we can be friends again," Rita told me.

"Thank you Rita," I said.

"You're welcome. You don't have to worry about taking me home either. I'll call an Uber. Stay here with her. She needs and wants you right now," she said to me.

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