Love On Top

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One Month Later

Jay's POV
Right now, I'm in New York because the Clippers are playing the Nets tonight.

I've been on the road a lot this past month. Ever since the season started, I've barely been at home in Los Angeles.

When I am at home, I'm only there for like a day or two, and then I'm gone again.

And Bey has decided to go back to work, so that means we have less time for each other.

You can probably guess that I haven't been able to spend much time with Bey. We've really only seen each other on FaceTime.

I'm not gonna lie. I've been missing my girl. I miss her a lot more than I even thought I would.

I just miss the simple stuff like holding her and sleeping in with her.

Needless to say, we haven't had sex at all, and when I say 'at all,' I mean no sex whatsoever.

We've just been trying to make it work over FaceTime if you know what I mean.

We've got a home game next week, and I have never been so excited for a home game in my life. I'm so ready to go home and be with Bey.

Right now, we're in the locker room about to go out and play. I could hear the crowd cheering and going crazy as the game was about to start.

The whole team gathered around and said a little prayer before going out onto the court.

We walked out onto the court, and I looked out into the crowd. What I saw surprised the hell out of me.

 What I saw surprised the hell out of me

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Bey was sitting front and center. She looked at my before smiling and waving.

She pulled off her jacket revealing the shirt she had on.

(A/N: Let's just pretend that this is a Clippers jersey instead of a football jersey

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(A/N: Let's just pretend that this is a Clippers jersey instead of a football jersey.)

She had on a custom made Clippers jersey with my last name and number on it.

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