In The Air

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One Month Later

Bey's POV
Over the past month, things with Jay and I have been great. We've been spending a lot of time together when he's home.

I feel like our relationship has definitely gotten a lot stronger in the past month.

We actually went to my therapist a few times to work on my insecurities and me slapping him. It really helped give me peace of mind about our relationship especially when he's traveling.

We talk a lot more, and I feel like I've put my insecurities behind me in this past month, and I definitely trust him a lot more. And I don't compare him to my past boyfriends anymore.

I know that I can't and shouldn't blame him for other guys who've wronged me.

We're definitely in a better place than we were last month. I'm not saying we don't have our disagreements, but nothing on the scale of what was happening last month.

He's home right now until the next game, and I'm actually on way to his place right now.

I pulled up and parked at him apartment building. I went inside and took the elevator up to his floor.

I got off and walked down the hallway to his apartment. As I walked down the hallway, I accidentally bumped into this woman coming from the opposite direction.

 As I walked down the hallway, I accidentally bumped into this woman coming from the opposite direction

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"I'm so sorry. I wasn't even watching where I was going. I'm just in a hurry," she apologized as she ran off.

"It's o-," I started before stopping myself as she had already run off.

I was a little weirded out by the encounter, but I just shrugged it off as I walked up to Jay's apartment door.

I pulled out my key before unlocking the door and walking in.

I saw him sitting on his couch as I locked the door behind me.

"Hi baby," I said as I went and sat in his lap.

"Hey," he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

I leaned in and pecked his lips.

"What you been up to all day?," he asked me.

"Apartment hunting," I told him.

"Why?," he asked me.

"Because I hate it. I just don't like living in that building. My neighbors are annoying and always complaining about something. My landlord is aggravating. My lease is coming to an end, and I'm just not gonna renew it. Now I've gotta look for a new place to live," I explained.

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