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Jay's POV
I pulled up to Mama Tina's house. I got out of my car and went up to the door. I knocked on the door.

Drake came to the door.

"Hey man. Come on in," he said.

I walked into Mama Tina's house and saw Mama Tina and Richard sitting in the living room next to the phone.

"Hey guys," I said.

Mama Tina got up and hugged me. I could tell she had been crying.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," I said as she let go of me.

"No, it's not Jay. Don't say that," she told me.

"Yes, it is. I let her go. I should've followed her or something. I'm just sorry," I told her.

"It's okay Jay. You didn't know she was gonna go missing," Mama Tina said.

"Everything's gonna be fine guys. I'm sure Bey will be home soon. I called the police. They're on the way," Drake said.

I just hope Bey is okay.

Two Days Later

Jay's POV
There's been no update on Bey for the past three days, and I'm worried sick.

No one's heard from her. She hasn't called or texted in five days. The police haven't found anything.

Absolutely nothing.

I don't know what to think. I just pray that she's okay. I'm so worried about her.

I've just been driving around the city everyday looking for her and asking people if they've seen her.

She could be somewhere hurt or worse, and I can't get to her. I promised to protect her, and I haven't.

This is all my fault.

"Jay, I made you breakfast," I heard Mya say.

"Don't talk to me right now Mya," I told her.

"Jay, you need to eat something. You've barely eaten anything in two days. You're gonna pass out or something. Just eat," Mya told me as she sat on the couch next to me.

"I'm fine Mya. I'm not hungry. Leave me alone," I said to her.

"You're not fine. You need to eat," she told me.

"You know what Mya. I'm not fine. I'm actually not. Wanna know why? Because my girlfriend is missing! She's been missing for four days, and you just don't seem to care!," I yelled at her as I got up off the couch and walked away from her.

"Ex-girlfriend. She broke up with you, remember?," she said.

"Are you kidding me? Are you serious? Are you fucking serious right now?! Do you really think now is the time to bring up the fact that she broke up with me?! I fucking know that Mya! I know that! But that doesn't stop the way I feel about her! I know you wish that it did, but it doesn't Mya!," I yelled at her.

"Can you stop yelling?," she asked me.

"Are you crazy? Like seriously, are you crazy?! Can I stop yelling?! No, I can't stop yelling! I'm upset Mya! What about that don't you get?! Bey is missing! She could be hurt or dead, and you don't care! You're happy that she's gone, aren't you?! You want her dead though, don't you?! That way she'd be away from me, and that's all you care about!," I yelled at her.

"I don't want her hurt or dead Jay, but-," she said.

"Mya, there is no 'but!' Whatever happened between y'all, you need to put it behind you! She is missing! What don't you understand about that?! It's because of us! You escalated the situation! You didn't have to bring up Michael! You didn't have to bring up her drinking problem! And yeah, she said some horrible things too, but she was defending herself! Something that I should've done for her! She's had some very painful things happen to her, and you don't know everything she's had to go through! What you said to her was despicable!," I yelled at her.

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