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Bey's POV
I woke up on Jay's naked chest. I looked up at him. I smiled as I thought about last night.

It was amazing, and let's just say I could really tell that he felt the same way.

He started waking up. He looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning," he said.

"Good morning baby," I said to him.

I smiled again before kissing him.

"So last night was amazing," I said to him.

"Yeah, it was. Especially that thing you did when you-," he started before I cut him off.

"Shut up. I thought I'd try to give you something special for being such a great boyfriend. I've never done anything like that for a guy before," I told him.

"Nice to know I'm special," he said to me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Of course you are. Very special," I told him before kissing him.

His hands made his way down to my ass and squeezed it, making me moan into the kiss.

He started getting on top of me before I pushed him back.

"No, I wanna be on top this time," I told him.

"Alright, come on then baby," he said as I got on top of him.

"If you think last night was great, you're in for something special this morning," I told him before kissing him.

Can't tell y'all all my business. Let's just say I know how to please my man.


Bey's POV

I walked out on the patio where Jay was

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I walked out on the patio where Jay was. He turned around when he heard me.

"Hey babe," I said.

"Hey," he said before I leaned down and pecked his lips.

"I made you a sandwich because I thought you might've been hungry since you didn't really eat breakfast," I told him as I sat the sandwich down in front of him and sat in his lap.

"Yes, I did," he said smirking.

"Well, if you're talking about my vagina, then yes, you ate breakfast. A whole meal actually," I said.

He chuckled before starting to eat his sandwich.

"I'm gonna go get in the pool babe," I told him before getting up.

"Thank you babe," he said to me.

"Welcome," I said as I went over to the pool.

Jay's POV
After Bey went to get in the pool, my phone started ringing.

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