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(A/N: Sorry for the wait. I've been really busy, and I had writer's block. But I hope you guys enjoy.)

Three Weeks Later

Bey's POV
"Mmm," I moaned as Jay placed a chocolate covered strawberry in my mouth.

I bit a piece of the strawberry off and chewed it, and he placed it back in the bowl that was sitting in my lap.

I smiled at him as I sat in his lap. I placed my hand on his cheek before leaning in and kissing his lips.

We pulled back from the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

"What?," I giggled as he stared at me.

"Nothing. You're just so beautiful," he told me.

"Thank you," I blushed.

"Just speaking the truth," he said.

"Okay. Why are you like this? Like seriously, what's wrong with you?," I asked him.

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong with me," he said.

"There has to be something wrong with you. You have to have some turn-off. You're so sweet and handsome. You compliment me like a million times a day. No other man has ever treated me the way you do," I told him.

"Well, maybe no other man has ever appreciated you the way I do. Because I think you deserve the world and more," he told me.

I smiled at him before getting up and walking into the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

When I came back, I felt that pain in my stomach again. I held my stomach and walked back to the couch slowly.

I guess Jay could see that something was wrong with me.

"Are you okay Bey?," he asked as I sat down next to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My stomach was hurting, but it's fine now," I told him.

"You sure? You didn't look fine. We could go to the hospital or something," he said.

"I'm fine Jay. It doesn't even hurt now," I told him.

"Are you 100% sure that you're okay?," he asked again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and scooted closer to him.

"Yes Jay. I'm fine," I said before kissing him.

It quickly turned into a make out session, and the next thing I knew, I was straddling his lap, and he was holding on to my hips.

As I realized what was going on, I got off of him and cleared my throat.

"Oh my God Jay. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what came over me," I apologized.

"Trust me. It's fine," he said.

I chuckled lightly and blushed before looking down at my hands.

"Actually, I should get going. We've got a big game coming up against the Cavaliers, and I should get to practice," he told me as he got up off my couch.

"Um, okay," I said as I got up and followed him to the door.

"I'll see you later Bey," he told me as he opened the door and began to walk out.

"Hey, wait Jay," I said stopping him.

He turned back around.

"You're not mad at me, are you? Or leaving because it feels awkward, right?," I asked him.

"No Bey. I'm not leaving because of that. I'm leaving because I actually do have to get to practice. I'm not mad at you," he told me.

"Okay. I just had to make sure. Have a good practice," I told him.

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