Family Drama

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Bey's POV
I was in our bedroom putting up some laundry that I had intended on putting up this morning.

But I got a little sidetracked this morning, and by 'sidetracked' I mean Jay and I had sex.

I was putting some of Jay clothes in his drawers when I saw something unusual in one of the drawers.

I put his clothes down and went looking in the drawer.

And what I saw surprised the hell out of me.

I picked up a small box containing a big ass diamond ring

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I picked up a small box containing a big ass diamond ring.

"Oh my God," I gasped as I covered my mouth.

I can't believe this. Jay's gonna propose. Yes!

I'm gonna get married for real this time! To a man I really do love with my whole heart.

I took the ring out of its box and examined it. It was definitely bigger and more beautiful than the one Michael got me.

I guess it pays to date a professional basketball player.

I love this ring. I'm ready for him to propose already. He needs to get on that.

"Babe!," I heard Jay call from the kitchen.

I heard his footsteps approaching.

I quickly put the ring back in it's box before hiding it back under his clothes like he had it.

I closed the drawer back up and opened another one, so he'd think I was putting things in that one.

"What's up?," I asked him as he walked into the room.

"Oh, nothing. I just didn't know where you were. I thought you were sitting in the living room," he said.

"Oh, I was, but I remembered that I meant to put these clothes up this morning, so I just got up and did it," I told him.

"I told you that I would do that. Your doctor said you need to take it easy babe," he said.

"I know that, but I can still do things around the house. I'm pregnant not broken," I told him.

"I know that. I just want you to be okay. I know you, and sometimes you work yourself too hard especially at your job. I don't want you to tire yourself out," he told me.

I noticed him glancing back and forth between me and the drawer that the ring was in.

It hit me why he wanted me out of the room so badly.

"Well, the baby and I are fine, but if you're really worried, you can finish it up for me," I said as I grabbed the laundry basket and handed it to him.

I walked out of our bedroom and went downstairs into the kitchen to get my pickles and peanut butter.

I was about to open the peanut butter jar when I heard someone banging on the door.

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