Downhill Dinner

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(A/N: I was gonna wait until next week to update this, but I really couldn't wait. Y'all might wanna secure those wigs.)

Jay's POV
We all sat down at the dining room table for dinner.

I looked up at Bey who was looking off in a daze. She looked like she'd rather be anywhere else but here.

We were all talking and having a good time except for Bey. But other than that, everything was good. I mean, everyone seemed to really like Rita which was a huge relief for the both of us.

Bey was just sitting there with her arms folded looking at Rita and Michael. I kept seeing her bend over go in her purse. I don't know what's wrong with her.

But other than Bey's little attitude, things were great, and I was happy with how the night was going.

"So Rita, where do you work?," my mom asked.

"Oh, I'm a high school teacher. I teach 10th graders at Los Angeles High School," she answered

"That's where we went. Jay, you remember that time when we were in Mrs. Hernandez's class, and you-," he said before stopped when he saw me glaring at him.

He cleared his throat and looked down at his plate.

"He did absolutely nothing," Drake said.

I chuckled before continuing to eat.

"You know, Rita. You have me to thank for you and Jay being together. I'm the one who told him to talk to you that night in the club," Drake told her.

"Well, thank you Drake," she smiled.

I heard Bey laugh.

"Is something funny Bey?," I asked.

"Yeah, actually. Everything that's going on right now is hilarious to me. How everyone's fawning over her like she's the best thing since sliced bread when she's really just not. And the two of you as a couple won't last long. You're not a fit. Actually, I have a question. How long have you been dating?," she said.

"About two months," Rita answered.

"Oh, so while I was in the hospital, you just felt the need to go get some ass?," she asked rhetorically.

"Bey!," Mama Tina exclaimed.

"What?," she asked angrily.

"Oh shit," Drake said sipping his water.

"This is why you weren't there for me. Because of this half-assed, wanna be black, basic bitch?," Bey said.

"Hey, you are not gonna sit up here and talk about my girlfriend and call her names. She's not a bitch," I told her sternly.

"Well, maybe she's not, but you definitely are," she told me.

"Damn," Drake said.

"What did you just say to me?," I asked her.

"What are you deaf now too? I called you a bitch," she said with a smug look on her face.

"Bey, you need to shut your mouth before you go too far," I told her trying not to get upset.

"Make me," she said sitting up in her chair.

"Beyoncé, stop," Michael told her sternly.

"You know what? I'm not gonna do this with you. It's not worth it. You're not worth it. I didn't know what your problem is, but you need to fix it. Maybe you're jealous of Rita and me. I don't know," I told her.

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