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Bey's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed, and my head was killing me. I looked around saw Jay and Drake in the room. Then I remembered what had happened.

"The baby. Is the baby okay?," I asked urgently as I started sitting up.

"Hey, hey, hey. Slow down. Calm down baby. Everything's okay. The baby's fine. The doctor already told us. It was you we were worried about. He said that you had a slight concussion and a few cuts and scrapes," Jay told me.

"But the baby's okay? Everything's good?," I asked him just to be sure.

"Yeah, the baby's okay. How are you feeling?," he asked me.

"How are you Bey?," Drake asked me as he jumped in.

"I'm fine guys. My head just hurts really bad, but that's just the concussion," I said.

"I'm gonna go get the doctor," Drake said as he got up and left the room.

"Baby, you've been crying," I said noticing that his face was a little red and that he was holding some tissue.

"Yeah, I was worried about you and the baby. When Drake and I found you, you were passed out at the bottom of the stairs. It was scary as hell," he told me.

"I know baby, but everything's fine, so you don't have to be worried anymore," I told me.

"I know, but I was just thinking the worst. I thought that I had lost my family," he said to me.

"Well, you didn't lose anyone. You've still got me and your son or daughter," I told him.

"Yeah, I do," he said putting his hand on my barely visible baby bump.

After a minute or two, Drake walked back in with the doctor.

"How are you doing Ms. Knowles?," the doctor asked me.

"I'm fine. My head just hurts," I told him.

"That's to be expected with a concussion. Just take some Tylenol, and the headache should subside. Your concussion isn't that bad. You only have a slight one, so the symptoms should subside within the next few days. Until then, I suggest you take it easy for your sake and the baby's. Let your boyfriend take care of you. You should avoid any type of stress for the next few days. If you have any concerns or complications, come back to see us. I would like to keep you overnight just for observation, but other than that, you're fine," he explained to us.

"Thank you so much, Doctor. We really appreciate it," I said to him.

"No need to thank me. It's what I'm here for," the doctor said before he left the room.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go. It's pretty late," Drake told us as he stood up.

"Alright, we'll see you later," Jay said to him.

"Okay. I'm glad you're okay sis," Drake said to me.

"Thank you for being here," I told him as we hugged.

"Of course. Nowhere else I'd rather be. And about the other day, I'm so, so sor-," he said before I cut him off.

"It's okay. I know," I told him.

"Oh, Mama called me. She said she's on her way, so she'll be here soon," he told us.

"Okay," I said.

"See y'all later," he told us as he left.

"See you later," Jay and I said simultaneously.

Drake walked out of the door leaving me and Jay alone.

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