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Bey's POV
Richard came back soon after Jay left. Jay had text me and let me know that Drake climbed out of the bathroom window and left, so it was just my mom, Richard, and me at dinner.

"Bey, you can go if you want to. Jay and Drake are gone. You don't have to stay with me and Richard. We'll just eat by ourselves tonight. All of us can get together some other time," my mom told me.

"Oh, no. I want to stay. I'd never pass up the opportunity for free food, and plus, I want to be here with you Mom. Plus, it's my fault they Drake jumped out of the bathroom window and left. The least I could do is stay here and eat dinner with you," I told her.

"Okay. Well, the food is ready, so let's eat," Mama said.

She, Richard, and I walked into the dining room and sat down at the table. My mom said the grace, and we started eating.

"So Bey, how are you and Michael doing?," Richard asked me.

"We're good. We were actually thinking about moving down here, making our temporary stay permanent," I told them.

"Really? That would be amazing Bey. I miss my baby," my mama said.

"Yeah, I really miss you guys too. Being here for the family reunion made me realize how much I missed it here. And plus, I need to make things right with Drake. That's gonna take some time, and I really think Ivy Park is gonna do well out here. I'm gonna move the headquarters out here," I said.

"That's great Bey. Your mom and I are so happy that you're so successful," Richard said.

"Thanks Richard," I smiled.

"I'm just glad that I won't have to fly across the country to see you get married," my mama told me.

I chuckled before taking a sip of my water.

"So I guess Michael and I will start looking for a house sometime soon, so we can get out of that hotel. Hopefully, we can find something quickly," I said.

"Well, I hope everything works out for you two. Let us know if you need any help Bey," Mama told me.

"Thank you Mama," I smiled.

"Bey, is that a bruise on your arm?," Richard asked me.

I looked down at my arm mentally cursing myself for not noticing that my makeup had faded away revealing the bruise.

"Yeah, I tripped and fell, and I landed wrong on my arm, but I'm fine," I lied.

"So um, since Drake hasn't said ten words to me since I've been here, can you just tell me how he's doing. He's alright, right?," I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, he's doing great. He just got a promotion actually. He's now the vice president of Johnson and Jackson Marketing and Advertising," she told me.

"Oh my God. That's amazing. He's so amazing. I'm really proud of him. I just wish I could tell him, but he's not gonna give me the time of day," I said.

"Well Bey, you can't really blame him. Now, I already forgave you for not calling a long time ago. I just figured that you were busy. I knew you'd call when you could, and I was happy that you managed to call me every once in a while. You didn't call Drake at all. I was just happy to see that you came back for the family reunion and that I could see you again. You're my child, and I made the decision not to hold it against you. Drake didn't make that decision," Mama told me.

"I would've called him if I could have, but trust me. I couldn't. I barely had the time to call you. I just wanted to check in with you and make sure that everything was okay. I'm sorry Mama. I really am. I just want to make things right with him," I said.

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