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Jay's POV
I walked up to Rita's apartment door and knocked on it.

"Just a minute!," I heard her yell.

After a minute or two, she came and opened the door.

"Hey Jay," she greeted in her cute little British accent.

"Hey Rita," I said to her.

"I thought you were having dinner with your family tonight," she said.

"I was, but my sorta, kinda mom told me that I didn't have to stay," I told her.

"'Sorta, kinda mom?' Is that an American thing?," she asked.

"Uh no. She's not my real mom-," I started before she interrupted.

"Oh, so you're adopted?," she questioned.

"No, but I did have to live with her at one point. She's like a mother to me because her son is my best friend. He's like a brother to me, so she's like a mother to me," I told her.

"So she's your mother figure?," she asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"You could've just said that," she giggled.

"I realize that now," I chuckled.

We laughed for a couple of seconds before stopping.

"What have you got there?," she asked looking down at the bag in my hand.

"Oh, Chinese food. If I remember correctly, you asked me to come over and eat dinner with you," I said to her.

"You're lucky that I haven't eaten yet and that I love Chinese food," she said.

"I know. I remembered that you told me that last night," I told her.

"Oh, so you listen. You might be the first guy I've met that actually does. Come in," she said as she opened the door wider for me to come in.

I walked into her apartment, and she closed the door behind me.

"Nice place you've got here," I complimented.

"Thank you. You can just sit food on the coffee table there," she told me.

I sat the food down, and the two us sat on her couch.

"So do you have any other family besides your 'sorta, kinda' mother and best friend/brother?," she asked chuckling.

"Well, I have a real mom, but we don't really talk much, and a sorta, kinda sister named Beyoncé," I said.

"Beyoncé? As in the famous fashion designer, Beyoncé?," she asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"I love her clothing. Ivy Park is amazing. Is everyone in your family famous? I mean, you're a basketball player, and she's a fashion designer. Is your mom a singer or something?," she asked.

"No, it's just Bey and me. What about you? Do you have any siblings?," I asked her.

"Yeah, I have an older sister named Elena and a younger brother named Don," she told me.

We continued to talk and get to know each other better and just have a good time.

Bey's POV
"Hey Michael baby," I called walking into the hotel room.

He didn't answer me. He instead kept his eyes glued on the television as he laid on the bed.

"Michael," I said again.

He still didn't answer.

"Michael!," I said raising my voice a little.

"What girl?! I hear you. Keep it down. I'm trying to watch the TV," he told me.

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