See Her

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Drake's POV
I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital when I saw Jay walk in.

I walked over to him, and he met me halfway.

"What happened? What's going on? Is she okay? Where is she?," he asked me all in one breath.

"Calm down Jay. It's gonna be okay. She's in surgery," I told him.

"In surgery?! Why? Why is she in surgery? What the hell? I just saw her yesterday! She was fine!," he exclaimed panicking.

Damn, he really loves her.

"I was at her place, and her stomach was hurting. I brought her to the hospital. They said that she has appendicitis, and her appendix burst. She's gonna be okay," I told him trying to calm him down before he has a heart attack.

"How did this happen? She didn't just get appendicitis out of the blue like that. What caused it?," he asked.

"I don't know. That's all they told me. They rushed her into surgery," I said.

"I should've known something was wrong. She said her stomach was hurting last week, but she told me that she was fine. I should've just gotten her some help anyway," he said as he went and sat down.

I went and sat down in a chair next to him.

"Jay, I know you're not blaming yourself for this. This is not your fault. It's not Bey's fault or anyone else's. It's just a health issue. You couldn't stop it or control it," I told him.

"Maybe if I had brought her to the hospital when she told me that her stomach was hurting, her appendix wouldn't have burst," he said.

"Obviously, she didn't think anything was wrong with her either Jay. We don't know how long this has been going on, but she's gonna be okay. You know how strong she is. You're just blaming yourself because you're in love with her. You love her to death, and you wanna try to take the pain away from her. None of this was your fault," I told him.

"I just want her to be okay. She's been through so much," he said.

"She's gonna be fine. She's Beyoncé," I said.

"Yeah. Where are Mama Tina and Richard?," he asked me.

"They're out of town, but I called Mama to let her know what was going on. She and Richard are getting on a flight right now to come home," I said.

Before he could say anything else, we heard the doctor call Bey's name.

"Beyoncé Knowles," the doctor said.

Both of us jumped up out of our chairs and went over to the doctor.

"Is she okay?," Jay and I said at the same time.

"Yes, she's okay. We were able to remove her appendix. Unfortunately, her case was pretty severe, so she's gonna have to stay for a while, so we can make sure she's okay. It could've been fatal, but you got her here just in time. It could've led to peritonitis. She's gonna have to stay for at least three days. Maybe more to receive antibiotics and make sure it kills all the bacteria. She's gonna make a full recovery though," the doctor explained.

"Thank God," Jay and I said.

"Do you know what caused it?," I asked the doctor.

"From the looks of it, it was blunt force trauma to her lower abdomen. I read in her file that she was a victim of domestic abuse. That was most likely the cause. It caused some blockage in her appendix which made it burst. But um, if you want to go see her, she's in room 444," he said.

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