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Bey's POV
I covered my face with my hands and sighed as I reviewed some paperwork.

I heard someone knock on my door.

"Come in," I said hoping it would be Jay so that he could make me feel better.

The door opened, and unfortunately, it wasn't Jay. It was Zendaya.

She had her eyes covered her eyes with a folder. I chuckled at the way she entered my office.

"You can put the folder down Zendaya. My boyfriend's not here. It's just me...working," I told her.

"Oh, thank God," she said sounding relieved.

I laughed as she moved the folder away from her eyes.

"Trust me, the last thing you want to see is your boss and her boyfriend doing the nasty. An image that is burned into my brain," she said.

"Sorry about that Zendaya. I really am. I never meant for any of that to happen. I definitely didn't mean for you to see that," I told her.

"No, don't be. This is your private place, and I should've knocked. I really should've knocked. I'm the one who's really sorry. Sorry enough for the both of us," she apologized.

"It's okay Zendaya. You've done enough apologizing. I think this is the one hundredth time you've apologized in the past three days since it happened. You didn't see anything too bad. It's fine," I told her.

Zendaya is a very sweet girl. She's twenty one, and she's very hardworking. She's always on time and does job correctly. She's the best.

"Thanks, I just came to bring you some things that need signing off on before the winter collection can go to retailers," she said handing me a folder full of paper.

"Great. More paperwork. On top of everything else that I have going on," I said sitting it on the pile of paperwork I already had sitting on my desk.

"You mean your ex's trial," she said.

I looked up at her wondering how she knew about it.

"You're a famous fashion designer. It's all over the news," she told me.

"Yeah, Michael's trial on top of work and my relationship, which is the only thing in my life that's actually going good," I said.

"I understand why you're stressed. It's all lot to deal with. Why don't you take a break? Step back from it all," she suggested.

"I wish I could," I told her.

"Why can't you? Go out with your boyfriend or your friends or something," she told me.

"My boyfriend has a lot of basketball practice since basketball season is about to start soon, and I don't have friends in Los Angeles. I have clients and business partners," I told her.

"What? How could you not have friends in Los Angeles?," she asked me.

"It's not easy running a business and making friends. Believe it or not," I told her.

"Well, you're wrong actually. You've got one friend. Me," she said.

"You don't want to be friends with me. I'm intense," I told her.

"No, you're a really kind and caring person. You have a great personality, and I would consider myself extremely lucky to be your friend. And the truth is I could use a new friend too," she told me.

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