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One Month Later

Bey's POV
"So Mama, what do you think of my new apartment?," I asked her as we sat down on my couch.

"I love it Bey, but you know that you could've stayed with Richard and me. You didn't have to move out so soon," she told me.

"Yes, I did. You two are loud. Very loud. I need my own space," I told her.

"Sorry about that Bey, but I'm glad that you seem to be doing better," she said.

After everything that happened with Michael, I'm doing pretty well. It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.

I haven't had any nightmares or anything. I do get nervous sometimes when I see guys that kind of look like Michael.

I started seeing a therapist so that I can make sure I'm okay. I go see her twice a week.

She says that I'm doing pretty good considering everything that's happened to me.

She says that I'm not showing any signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or any serious mental trauma or health issues.

She says that I'm making a lot of progress in working through the pain and letting everything that has to do with Michael go.

Both my therapist and I attribute that to Jay. She actually told me that I should spend time with him. She says that not letting him in is still letting Michael have control over my life, which I completely agree with.

Jay has been very helpful. He's been coming to check on me almost every day, making sure that I'm okay. He's such a sweetheart.

We've gone closer over this last month. We haven't been on an official date yet. We haven't been anywhere. He just comes over to see me, and we just talk...and cuddle...and sometimes kiss.

We're just exploring what we have and having a good time until we decide to go any further.

"Um, yeah. I'm doing a little better. It helps to know that he can't come after me again because he's in police custody. I still can't believe he pleaded not guilty with all the evidence that's against him. I'm just glad they didn't give him a bail because they think he's a flight risk," I said.

"I know, but don't worry about it Bey. Everything's gonna be okay," she told me.

"Yeah, I know. That's what my therapist has been telling me. Michael did a lot of damage. It's like he's still finding ways to ruin my life. Now, I have to be present at his trial. It's just so much going on between Michael and my business. I just need to stay sane," I said.

"Is Jay in there somewhere? He has to be after that kiss and all the time you two have been spending together lately," she asked me.

"Of course, he's in there. He's a very special guy in my life. He's the person I hope to have a relationship with in the near future. We're actually going to the Santa Monica Pier this afternoon," I told her smiling.

"Oh, y'all are? Well, let me get going. I know you wanna go get ready and dressed up to look good for him," she said as she got up.

I chuckled.

"Mama, you don't have to go yet," I told her.

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