Chapter 1

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* Katniss' POV: *

Peeta gives me a beaming smile and I know that the one word I just told him had risen his hopes and given him a chance. He engulfs me with a hug which I happily accept. I close my eyes and think of the possibilities we could have. A relationship, marriage, a family, a happy life. My life might not be perfect now, but with Peeta by my side it will be. My lost boy with the bread is slowly coming back to me, a day at a time.

Peeta slowly lets me go. Inside, I didn't want him to let go. I give him a kiss on his cheek which he takes by surprise but returns with one peck on my lips.

"I love you Katniss Everdeen. Forever and always."

"That's good to hear." I reply with a small chuckle.

"What? You think that was funny?" Peeta asks, pretending to be a bit offended.

"No, no. Not at all." I smile at him and I am able to not continue giggling.

"Good." he replies with a smirk and lifts me up. I shriek.

"What are you doing?" he carries me bridal style and starts to walk upstairs.

"Peeta..." Peeta doesn't respond, just keeps walking. Soon we arrive in our bedroom. Peeta places me carefully on the ground and I turn to him . "Now what mister?" Peeta smirks and stares into my eyes.

He starts pressing against me and makes me move back. I stare back into his blue, sparkling eyes and I walk back.

Suddenly, I feel wood against my legs and I know I have reached the bed. Peeta lowers himself and looms over me.

I place my back against the duvet lying on our bed and Peeta places his hands beside my body to balance himself.

"If I ask you, will I receive?" I ask him.

"Probably not." With that, Peeta leans down closer to my face. I close my eyes and prepare for his lips. I feel a warm tingle run through me as his lips make contact with mine. I smile and pull him closer to me.

Then the rest of the afternoon becomes a blur.

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