Chapter 50

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Katniss' POV:

At the meadow, I wanted the kiss to continue but it didn't. It was long enough for the fact that I'm now Katniss Lauren Mellark to start sinking in.

We are now at what the Capitol call a reception. There is music and lots of congratulations. I have my arm wrapped around Peeta's tightly as we walk around. Not wanting him to let go.

Effie insisted we both write mini speeches so that's what we shall be doing now. In front of everyone which I'm not confident about. But it's fine because Peeta going first. I smile and look at my husband. He has a huge proud smile painted on his face. I know he is so overjoyed. That I am forever his.

We sit down on the front row of seats laid out, still holding Peeta. Peeta slips a piece out of his jacket and places it in his hands.

"Did you actually write something?" I murmur into his ear.

"Sort of." he replies and are attention is drawn to Effie.

"Before we have 12's traditional toasting, our married victors are just going to share a few words." Effie gestures to Peeta. He kisses my cheek and slides out of my grasp. He walks up and in that time, I get my shrivelled piece of paper from its spot.

"Thank you Effie. I am so happy to have married my now wife earlier today." We look at each other and smile. "I found this poem, that I'd like to read. My dear love, I want to share my thoughts, my feelings and what makes me uneasy with you. I want to share what makes me happy; what makes me feel blue.. So you can sense that my love is honest and true. Every day not a single memory we make passes by without you in it All of these moments, I love and treasure them so much. You are so deep in my heart and our souls, I just know, will never part. So I love you with all my heart and nothing will ever change that." Peeta says and I wipe my getting wet cheeks. I sniffle and stand up.

Peeta comes down and kisses me before I lift my dress up and stand in front of my guests. Oh gosh.

"Um... I actually wrote this poem to Peeta. So yeah, here it is." I look to Peeta. He gives me an encouraging smile and I open up my paper. I look down and behind to read my words.
"We had a conversation, where I admitted my love to one lovestruck boy. He was a bakers son. Now this bakers son saved my life. Many times in our existence he has tried to save me and I thank him for it. I enjoy all the minutes we have spent together, even if they were twisted and made negative because all I wanted was to be with him." I look up and Peeta and I can tell he wants to shed tears.
"I know Peeta, your love for me has been around for so long and I'm so sorry that my love to you has only lasted a few years." Tears start falling down my cheeks and I feel like I'm about to burst into tears. "I love my Peeta so much and he'll never know exactly how much. We had a conversation, where I admitted my love to one love struck boy. He is now my husband."

When I finish, I burst into tears and Peeta comes up to engulf me into a hug. Awes spread out around our guests and clapping begins. I do the best I can to stop my crying and kiss Peeta.

We walk towards a roaring fire where our toasting would take place. We sit down side by side and place bread on rods. We place it over the fire, let it toast for a couple of minutes and then cool it down. We slide the piece of toast and place it in between our fingers.

We then place it in each others mouth. I feel the crunchiness and warmth on my tastes buds. I smile and swallow.

"How long will you love me for exactly?" Peeta asks me with a smirk. I kiss Peeta, just like we did on the beach in the quarter quell before replying in one word.


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