Chapter 12

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Katniss' POV:

"Come on Katniss. I really want to see what this place is like." Peeta pleaded as I placed my hunting boots on. I wouldn't be hunting today but I way as well put them on.

"I'm coming." I run to Peeta at the back door.

When he sees me, he smiles. I smile at him and link arms with him. We get outside and Peeta locks the house and I walk down the stairs to wait for him. He catches up with me and hold my hand.

I lead him out of District 12 to the place that will become ours.


"You ready Peeta?" I was going to teach Peeta to swim. I would do my best even with an injured shoulder.

"Yes." I wade into the lake, deep enough that it comes to my hips. Peeta walks to the water edge and stops there. Oh, he's afraid.

I walk back up to Peeta and cup his face. I give him a peck on the lips before holding his hands.
"Just look at me and stay close to me." I suggest and he slowly nods.

"It's okay Peeta, I'll keep you safe." Well I said that I would in our second hunger games and I failed to do that. I quickly wipe away the thought and start walking backwards into the water.
Peeta grips onto my hands tightly and continues to look at me. "It's okay, it's okay." I soon reach the height I was at before and I stop Peeta.


"Yes Peeta?" I reply to him.

"Can we just walk around, I don't feel like taking my feet off the ground right now?"

"That's perfectly fine. I'll do anything." Peeta still holds my hands. "Peeta?" Peeta nods. "Can we let go of our hands -"

"No Katniss." Peeta retorts.

"No let me finish, and move to our arms or sonewhere else if you be careful of my right?"

"One hand at a time?" I nod. Peeta must be really scared of water, probably makes sense after the Quarter Quell.

I let go of Peeta's right hand slowly and I wrap it around his neck while he wraps his arm around my waist. Then slowly again, I remove my grasp from his left arm and I connect my hands at his neck and Peeta places his on my waist. I smile at him.

"See, not that bad." Peeta gives a slight quiet whimper. "Peeta? Do you want to hold hands again." He doesn't reply to me. "What about we hold hands and get out? I think that's enough for one day." Peeta quickly grabs me hands and I slowly lead him out of the water.

When we sit down on the grass, leaning on a log Peeta speaks. "I'm sorry Katniss, I just got reminded -" Peeta starts sobbing. I know what he means. Please don't start having a flashback.

I stroke his arm and I lean my head carefully on his shoulder. He them leans his head on mine and we sit there for a while. Trying to not get it to occur.

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