Chapter 6

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Katniss' POV:

"Where do you want to go? We can go anywhere." Peeta tells me.

"The Meadow?" I reply and Peeta nods.

"Sure." he says before I run upstairs and place my hunting jacket and boots on. I come back downstairs and see Peeta is getting his shoes on. I decide to creep up on him and jump on his back.

"Hello there." Peeta wraps his arms around my legs and I connect my arms around Peeta's neck.

"Hello." I reply with a chuckle. "Can we go now?" I plead like a child.

"Yes." Peeta says and, with me still on his back, makes his way to the door. He manages to open the door and get outside before closing it again. I was impressed by his actions.
He walks down the stairs and carries me on his back until the Victors Village gate. I kiss his cheek before I climb off.

"You didn't have to carry me." I tell Peeta as he holds my hand.

"I was totally fine. It was fun." Peeta replies.

"Thanks then." I lean in for a kiss but Peeta places his fingers on my lips.

"Later okay?" I nod with a smile and we walk towards the meadow hand in hand.


Hours later we are still lying in the meadow, happy with each others company. I lie on Peeta's lap, finishing on a daisy crown while Peeta plays with my hair. It was just like when we were on the roof at the Capitol before our second hunger games.

I smile when I see I have finished the crown. I look up at Peeta and place it on his head. I chuckle at the fact that he looks cute with it on. He looks at me and gives me a kiss before holding my hand. I'm surprised he didn't take it off. He'll probably keep it on for a while.

"I love you Peeta." I say looking at him.

"I love you more Katniss." Peeta replies before I place my hands on his cheek and pull him down to give him a kiss.

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